
Donna's pregnancy blog

Creating this blog to record my pregnancy. Just nice to have a lasting memory of when the symptoms started etc and I will hopefully post some bump piccies along the way.

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5+4 weeks

Permanent Linkby winniewheresmypooh on Fri Mar 11, 2011 7:39 am

Haven't checked in for over a week cos I haven't had any symptoms really. What I had when I found out disappeared fro the last week and have now got symptoms back.

So a week of feeling fantastic and like I wasn't even pregnant. Made me worry a little TBH so the fact that I am feeling something now is reassuring at least. Would rather be able to eat more than half a slice of toast in the morning though :roll:

Yesterday I woke up and was nearly sick through coughing, which makes me retch. Managed to hold it in for the time being. :D Also noticed that I have started to leak wee when I cough already. Of all the delightful pregnancy symptoms I was NOT expecting this one this early but I guess that comes with it being number 3. Other thing I noticed last night is that my nipples have changed shape. Remember this from last time, very definitely different.

Went to Ikea yesterday and felt utterly awful. Luckily my SIL had guessed in the car before we got to Ikea so I didn't need explain away my feelings of dizziness, lack of eating lunch and need to sit down at every opportunity. Think it was just Ikea however as i felt find when I got home. Apart from falling asleep at 5pm and then going to bed at 9pm as soon as dinner was done.

So the people that know now are my boss, 2 close friends from work, my mum, SIL and obv me and DP. Telling my big sister and her husband on sunday and I think after that all immediate family will know in quick succession and friend and everyone else will have to wait a bit longer.

All good signs that everything progressing normally so am almost happy to be feeling and looking rough. Sure the morning sickness will be coming fast now.

Very tempted to get all baby clothes down from the loft and start sorting but it is faaaar to early yet. Don't believe in tempting fate but don't want to fill my house with clothes that wont be used for nearly 8 months. :giggle:


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