
Donna's pregnancy blog

Creating this blog to record my pregnancy. Just nice to have a lasting memory of when the symptoms started etc and I will hopefully post some bump piccies along the way.

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a few thoughts.

Permanent Linkby winniewheresmypooh on Wed Mar 02, 2011 8:01 am


Feeling so tired in the evenings the last couple of days. Before I was :pregnant: with this one I was thinking 'I'm sure that tiredness I felt was a state of mind and that I can just get on with things regardless' but no. It is like nothing I have felt before. I just have to close my eyes. I don't even sleep just enter some sort of trace like state.

Feeling a bit odd because I have gone off milk completely. Since I was a child I have always drunk a lot of the stuff. In my last 2 pg I was drinking 4 pints a day at least. Now I haven't touched a drop for 2 days. wondering if that means I will have a girl this time? Is it ok not to drink milk or does the baby need it for something? should I be eating/drinking something else instead?

Walked past the bin in the kitchen this morning and it smelt horrendous. I only emptied it yesterday so should be fine. Dreading the morning sickness coming as it is most defiantly on its way but at least it is a good sign I suppose.

Noticing that I am getting my words very badly muddled. Not just one or 2 words wrong but often a complete incoherent sentence. Almost like I am drunk. lol

Thinking of making Drs appointment but not sure how soon I should go. Seems a bit early yet still, think I will make one for just over a week. I remember the wait from the first doctors appointment till the dating scan was agonising.

Sorry for my ramblings just wanting to get all my thoughts down in one place.


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