
Donna's pregnancy blog

Creating this blog to record my pregnancy. Just nice to have a lasting memory of when the symptoms started etc and I will hopefully post some bump piccies along the way.

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Bit worried but trying not to be!

Permanent Linkby winniewheresmypooh on Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:57 pm

24+1 weeks today

I have yet another scan tomorrow but am a bit worried. I think I feel the baby move occasionally but I don't feel it every day and when I do it could easily be my imagination or wind :oops: I probably think I feel it every 3 or 4 days.

I know that the other 2 I have felt movement much earlier. Lucas was later than Jonathan. I do feel like I should be able to feel proper kicks by now though. The scan tomorrow will obviously show whether the baby is still alive and kicking or not but I am just panicking a little I guess.

It worse because I don't really 'feel' pregnant. I have felt from the start that something was going to go wrong so I am hoping that I am just winding myself up needlessly and that I don't have some sort of 6th sense about these things :lol:

Going to have a cup of tea and try and calm down, deep breath.


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