Cloth Nappy Tree Forum

Author:  winniewheresmypooh [ Sun Feb 19, 2012 9:47 am ]
Blog Subject:  Made it to 12weeks!

12+1 today

Time seems to have flown by. All is going well so far. Nervously awaiting my Nuchal screening. The last pregnancy showed low PAPPA levels which were discovered as part of the NT blood tests so fingers crossed that they are all normal this time. My scan will be on Thursday and the results get posted to me following that so should know within a couple of weeks.

My sister is pregnant with her first baby and also has her NT scan on Thursday. (She is due 1 day before me :yahoo: ) Fingers crossed for her too that everything is ok. I would be devastated for myself if anything went wrong but I really want it to be ok for her.

I thought morning sickness was ok this time round, perfectly bearable, and it is nowhere near as bad as last time but if I don't eat enough before I go to bed I wake up feeling sick :evil: and that feeling last for the rest of the day. Keep waking up absolutely ravenous as well in the middle of the night. I was eating cheerios at 4am this morning :lookround: I'm in bed by 8.30pm most nights. It has been slightly later this week but I put that down to half term rather than coming out of the first trimester. Don't want to eat sweet things as they leave a nasty taste in my mouth. I still eat them anyway because I really lack ideas of snacks that are not high in sugar and I must eat! :oops:

I had an appointment at the specialist team last Thursday, when I was 11+5. A lot of waiting around. I got there at 10.15 for a 10.30am appointment and didn't leave till gone 2pm. It was sort of worth it though because I got to see the little bubbly on a, very quick, scan right at the end. Nice little heart beat, very fast. Had arms and legs and everything else it needs. The doctor quickly measured and said it was right for dates which is great. So all progressing nicely so far.

I don't have the same feeling this time round that it is all going to go wrong so I am really hoping I am right. I can't yet see myself with a baby at the end but hopefully that will be easier the nearer it gets.