
Donna's pregnancy blog

Creating this blog to record my pregnancy. Just nice to have a lasting memory of when the symptoms started etc and I will hopefully post some bump piccies along the way.

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pregnancy update.

Permanent Linkby winniewheresmypooh on Tue Jan 10, 2012 9:14 am

6+3 today.

Found out on Sunday that my big sister is pregnant too. Quite excited for her. She is not sure of her dates but thinks she is due august/sept time. By my calculations I am due Sept 1st so very close. Unfortunately her husband is in the army and is of to Afghanistan for 6 months at the end of March. She is more than likely going to be birthing without him. Very scary for her I can imagine as this is her first DC. I was single when I had my first DS and so I can understand how she must feel being alone. She is being sick at the moment too and so is struggling somewhat.

I was sick yesterday and the day before but it is held off so far today. I am a bit worried because I feel like I should be more sick than I am being. Saying that however, sickness so far is probably on par with my first 2 pregnancies which weren't anywhere near as bad as last time. Last time obviously didn't end so well so FC feeling less sick is actually a good thing. I am sure that not even being able to keep water down is not good for the baby.


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