
Donna's pregnancy blog

Creating this blog to record my pregnancy. Just nice to have a lasting memory of when the symptoms started etc and I will hopefully post some bump piccies along the way.

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Cloth Nappy Addict
Cloth Nappy Addict
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24+5 Sad and happy day.
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Times flying!

Permanent Linkby winniewheresmypooh on Sun May 22, 2011 7:59 pm

15+5 today.

How time flies. I can't believe it has been 10weeks since I updated my blog.

The sickness is pretty much gone now. Was less from about 12weeks when I started taking hayfever tablets. Naughty of me to take them but they are good at settling MS. Now I am virtually sickness and hayfever tablet free. :mrgreen:

I found out last week that I have a low PAPP-A level which can cause growth problems later in pregnancy. Was quite terrifying when I first got the letter but I have come round to the idea now. I will speak to MW next week but from my internet research it seems that growth problems due to PAPP-A are quite rare so FC all will be well.

Although I have discovered that there is also a risk that the baby could have clicky hips due to my history which is increased if its a girl. I feel like I have so much more knowledge this time round and it is leading to more stress and worry. :nonono:

Got a little bump growing now though which is lovely even if what little waistline I had is disappearing :oops: I'm sure I can feel a few little movements of an evening too. I could be imagining it but it feels like something is brushing against me but on the inside.

I am finally feeling excited again. Was excited before being :pregnant: but as soon as I found out I was I started to panic a bit. Seem to be able to overcome the worry of all the potential problems more now though.

I am looking forward to :bf: and maybe doing it a bit longer this time, assuming DP is not as uptight as last time :evil: Also can't wait to get a child back in cloth! I got a bargain off ebay earlier in the week. 7 wraps, 15 terry nappies, a nappy bucket and 6 boosters for 99p and it was so close I was able to collect in less than 20minutes! Just got to practice folding now! :babyroll:

Got my fingers crossed for a good outcome for my next 2 scans. 17 weeks checking for potters syndrome and 20 weekS to check the placenta for blood flow and potential growth issues to do with the low PAPP-A.

Will keep updated...


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