
Muslins/terries for a newborn

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Muslins/terries for a newborn

Postby Dandelion » Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:34 pm

What size muslins would I need to make a newborn nappy. I intend to use terries/muslins for the very early days then move on to fitteds/AIOs :-)

Also.. would a muslin + wool soaker/longies work well? I have some small wraps too but love wool :-) I intend to carry baby in a moby for trips out but not sure if the wool would work okay? x

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Re: Muslins/terries for a newborn

Postby monsterm » Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:48 pm

Newborn size terries tend to be the 40 x 40 cm but I know some people on here used the 60 x 60. You could use wool but I don't know if you can with every fold. Tory (megansmummy) uses terries so she would know what works. You can use wool while baby carrying but I know sometimes people experience wicking. This can usually be overcome with an extra booster though.

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Re: Muslins/terries for a newborn

Postby ann_mk » Sun Oct 30, 2011 10:22 am

I will brign this question back as I can see different sites say different things about size of muslins/terries. Would 60cm bamboo terries work for a newborn at all? I'd like to avoid buying too small ones if possible...

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Re: Muslins/terries for a newborn

Postby Louise » Sun Oct 30, 2011 11:18 am

They probably would but I think they would make a very bulky nappy. I am not a fan of huge nappies on little tiny babies so buy sized nappies but people do and have used large terries in the past.

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Re: Muslins/terries for a newborn

Postby weebee » Sun Oct 30, 2011 2:50 pm

i used regular size muslins (i think about 40square) from birth in a joy fold. I had a teeny baby and the 40x40 terries were too bulky until about 2months but he's now outgrown them at 6 months so I'm looking for 60x60bamboo squares. I've only discovered wool recently but imagine it'll be great for a newborn and fine in a moby as their nappies don't have time to get too wet :-)

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Re: Muslins/terries for a newborn

Postby epsilon1 » Mon Jul 16, 2012 6:32 pm

ann_mk wrote:I will brign this question back as I can see different sites say different things about size of muslins/terries. Would 60cm bamboo terries work for a newborn at all? I'd like to avoid buying too small ones if possible...

I've bought a pack of 60cm squares and plan to cut some down to 40 and 50cm squares - I reckon the off-cuts will still be useful for something! And the basic cotton squares are cheap enough I don't mind chopping them about. I've been told the smaller squares can be used for boosters once they've been outgrown as nappies.

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