
So what did you learn.?

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So what did you learn.?

Postby Fayesmum » Fri Dec 10, 2010 5:58 pm

I learnt to crochet :D Anyone else learn something new?

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Re: So what did you learn.?

Postby ktinkley » Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:37 pm

I learnt that the reason I hate machine sewing so much is that I can't do it sitting in the lounge with DH :oops:

So am going to try to stick to hand sewing or knitting if I sign up for anymore swaps as it was really hard to get motiviated!

On the up side - I do now understand a bit more about how to set tension and stuff on my sewing machine , and as a result have finished sewing the lining into 2 of the lounge curtains which I've been supposedly doing for the last 2 years! Just 2 more curtains to go......:giggle:

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Re: So what did you learn.?

Postby gayleygoo » Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:21 pm

I had only ever made one pair of socks before making yours, so it was great fun to try a new pattern, and they were quick and easy too! I also had to get a bit friendlier with my sewing machine, apologies for the stitching not being perfect :oops: I still didn't learn how to set the tension properly :giggle:

and making those felted balls was a new skills, I must have made a dozen of them, the ones I sent were some of the best ones, it was actually rather difficult to get a ball shape!

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Re: So what did you learn.?

Postby MissFrodo » Wed Dec 15, 2010 8:52 pm

I learned how to make a teacosy :hohoho:

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Re: So what did you learn.?

Postby northernruth » Wed Dec 15, 2010 9:02 pm

I learned how to order custom yarn :wink:

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Re: So what did you learn.?

Postby winniewheresmypooh » Wed Dec 15, 2010 10:00 pm

i learned some proper hand sewing stitches rather than just adlibbing like I usually do. I learnt not to think that I know better than the pattern, and that my knitting does not fit in the miniture sewing machine to sew on the lining and that during the SS was not the best time to lend my BIG singer machine to my SIL (never to be seen again).

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