
Wraps every time?

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Wraps every time?

Postby debsfz » Sat Oct 13, 2012 5:48 pm

I'm new to this. Baby number 1 is due in a few weeks and I'm planning to try reuseable nappies. I bought some motherease one size nappies and am just wondering how many wraps I need. And importantly too, do wraps need to be used with every 'inner' nappy? Or can I go without a wrap, say, during the day?

Thanks everyone.


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Cloth Nappy Worshipper

Re: Wraps every time?

Postby lazylexis » Sat Oct 13, 2012 7:17 pm

We had 6 initially.I tended to alternate 2 during the day and then put both in the wash unless they'd got poo on. If u are using a 2 part system then u will need a wrap.I used a wrap pretty much all the time as the outside of the nappy woukd feel damp after 20-30 mins but I sometimes left the wrap off when it was boiling in the summer if we were at home.

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Re: Wraps every time?

Postby Frances » Sat Oct 13, 2012 9:07 pm

You could also use wool longies or a soaker instead of a wrap :)

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Re: Wraps every time?

Postby debsfz » Sun Oct 14, 2012 3:39 pm

Thank you for your replies. Guess I'd better get a few more wraps then!

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Re: Wraps every time?

Postby Thinkerbell » Wed Oct 24, 2012 11:15 am

With my newborn, I often use just a muslin closed with a nippa, a body and leg warmers. That way I can change everytime he gets wet, so his skin doesn't stay wet. Right now we're sitting near the fireplace, he's nursing wearing nothing but a t-shirt (sitting on a muslin just in case :shock: ).

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Re: Wraps every time?

Postby babasmama » Wed Oct 31, 2012 9:20 am

I use lollipop bamboo nappies and have on occasion just put baba to bed in a fleecy sleepsuit, worked as well as a wrap :)

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Re: Wraps every time?

Postby deralia » Thu Nov 01, 2012 12:38 pm

the motherease wraps are great! i've been using 3rd hand ones and theyre still super with various different nappies underneath, they have never leaked for me, even when my little one had the runs! ;) not so great for patterns, but i prefer a pretty babygro to a pretty wrap! :) welcome to the cloth world! and hope you enjoy it all! i'm new too ;)

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