
Your experience with Disana pull on woollen pants

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Your experience with Disana pull on woollen pants

Postby zelo » Fri Dec 14, 2012 10:03 am

I have just bought a pair of Disana pull-ons for my 14-months-old. We EC and use cloth as a backup and it's only ever supposed to catch/absorb one wee.

They look and feel lovely but after few days of using them the waist band became really loose and they keep falling down! I should say we are using size S (0-4 months, up to 5 kg) I tried the bigger ones on him but they were way too bulky and the nappy (I usually use just one muslin or a prefold unsecured) wasn't held in place as much as I needed.

I haven't lanolised it and find that I may not even need to do it.They seem to keep the moisture in really well.

Any tips on how to deal with the waist band issue?
Did anyone else find them generally a bit over-sized?
And what about lanolising, is it essential?
Any other tips and observations about Disana pull-ons? I'd like to buy a couple more pairs but not if they are going to keep falling down!

thank you!

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Re: Your experience with Disana pull on woollen pants

Postby clothmama » Wed Dec 19, 2012 11:14 am

@ zelo I had a borrowed pair when Louis was small (in fact they got me into using wool!) I can't remember ever having any problems with them on the waist though, I remember they were lovely and soft and fitted and washed really well!

Lanolising unless you have a hugely light wetter I'd lanolise, especially for overnight and you may find as your baby gets a bit bigger you'll need to as well. It may be that they have some lanolin in them already which is protecting you.

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Re: Your experience with Disana pull on woollen pants

Postby zelo » Sat Dec 22, 2012 12:57 pm

Thank you for you answer, clothmama! I googlesearched the issue with the waist geting loose and found someone saying they need to wash the pants after every 2-3 wears to re-shape the waist. So that's what I have been doing, it defies the point of not having to wash wool as much:(

I am yet to lanolise them. We do elimination communication so he is never left in a wet nappy for long so apart from one occasion when the nappy (I just use a bunched-up muslin inside the pants) moved and the wee went straight through and soaked his tights, we I haven't had an issue with wetness.

I got another pair to deal with the constant washing, will hopefully get around lanolising them in the next day or so.

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