Whats your laundry routine?


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Re: Whats your laundry routine?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 8:10 am
by Bugglyboo
As soon as the washer is empty, it's refilled until our enormous airer is filled.
I have Ed in full time cloth, my stuff, Mat's work wear (mechanic) and his social wear. Plus bedding and towels etc.
I feel like I spend my day going laundry and it's onnly going to get worse with 2 in cloth.

Re: Whats your laundry routine?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 9:04 am
by labbiefan
I dont really have a routine.
I do at least 1 load a day, often 2 and on a bad day 3-4!
Since buying a dehymidifier I've dryed loads more on the clothes horse.
I wash my nappies when.my two buckets are full which is probably every 3 days. I wash about 20 at a time.