
Operation house declutter 2014

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Re: Operation house declutter 2014

Postby littlesez » Mon Jun 09, 2014 10:21 am

OK so the big declutter is going very well so far ......
I have completly transformed the lounge into a clear and calm living room complete with a desk area for crafting :yahoo:

I have created a lovely playrrom which the kids adore and its easy to tidy as no craft or lego!

Hall has been completed with a new lino floor, a storage unit for our countless sports/dance/swimming bags, shoes, wellies and a dedicated basket for my things i ALWAYS lose phone, keys, purse.

Rob has put sheleves up in the utility just needs a declutter but much better already

Kids room has changed AGAIN as Izzy wanted to sleep with Leon so they now have a double bed and a lovely clear room no toys just books :love: All toys, books and clothes have been whittled down

Both bathrooms completely decluttered

my office is now compete, finally!

LOTS of recycling, tip runs and charity shop runs done

Garden (after house is done!)
Garage (this is a HUGE project it is floor to ceiling full of stuff could take a while!)
Declutter shed
Declutter utility
Kitchen declutter all units again just so they are completely finished (lots done already but needs a final clear out)
Clear the kitchen table completely so we can eat on it LMAO
Make curtains and bedding to finish off kids room (using black towels for black out blind) :hohoho:
Build 4 wardrobes in our room as we have none! Add the shleving and storage units
Go through all our clothes for charity and put our stuff into the new wardrobes
declutter bedside tables and make sure the tops are clear
go through bedding box
find a place for the exercise bike and the TV not having them in my new gorgeous bedroom
curtain rail up and new curtains in bedroom
spare room (another big job)

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Re: Operation house declutter 2014

Postby Miss_Purple » Fri Jun 13, 2014 7:18 pm

Would love to see before/after pics if you have them :-)

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Re: Operation house declutter 2014

Postby littlesez » Sat Jun 14, 2014 8:21 am

I have a few :) have a thread on here called boom with one Room!

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g murphy
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Re: Operation house declutter 2014

Postby g murphy » Sat Jun 14, 2014 1:00 pm

loving this thread!x


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