
Tuesdays Chores ( Early Planning)

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Tuesdays Chores ( Early Planning)

Postby LilMrsAverage » Mon Mar 26, 2012 6:56 pm

Hit the giant pile of outgrown baby gros that has taken over my dining room table and floor - Be ruthless donate the MAJORITY instead of waiting to sell it

Deep Clean the living room

Clean Kitchen

Move childrens summer toys into empty shed - it can be a play house - buy padlock

Put away all clean clothes - well ish

stop resoaking the same oven shelves and clean them

Sort and throw out/donate shoes

2 washing loads

Finish sorting Tabithas nappies so I can sell the unneeded/too small

Stop looking at things for sale :/

Clean the bathroom

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Re: Tuesdays Chores ( Early Planning)

Postby Allie » Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:35 pm

One wash load
cook tea
tidy toys
declutter breakfast bar - again :roll:

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Re: Tuesdays Chores ( Early Planning)

Postby twinkletot » Mon Mar 26, 2012 8:01 pm

wash load
put clean clothes away
Take A for her jabs :(

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Re: Tuesdays Chores ( Early Planning)

Postby JabberJabber » Mon Mar 26, 2012 8:04 pm

:thumbsup: Judith - very organised

Tidy kitchen
Change towels over
Wash towels
Use carpet cleaner on O's carpet
Hang washing out to dry
Put shopping away
Get chicken casserole out for my tea
Midwife appointment
Wipe down bathroom and loo
Put clean clothes away
Prepare salmon and rice for O's tea
Vacuum upstairs
Put nappies on to wash (evening)

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Re: Tuesdays Chores ( Early Planning)

Postby karenandgeorgia » Mon Mar 26, 2012 8:05 pm

Put beef in slow cooker
Take girls to school
Tidy lounge
Snuggle my little nephew :D and catch up with my sister :D
laundry and clean where needed in house

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Re: Tuesdays Chores ( Early Planning)

Postby Louise » Mon Mar 26, 2012 8:09 pm

LilMrsAverage wrote:Hit the giant pile of outgrown baby gros that has taken over my dining room table and floor - Be ruthless donate the MAJORITY instead of waiting to sell it

So with you on that one, I've been giving away loads of Ms stuff too, I have about 6 black sacks of outgrown clothes! :oops:

Clean kitchen
Clean bathroom
Wash floors
nappy wash
Wash childrens bedding
Dust lounge
PO run
Hoover downstairs
Sort through R's wardrobe
Prepare dinner

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Re: Tuesdays Chores ( Early Planning)

Postby clothmama » Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:00 am

Lots to do today and it is already nearly 11 and I've not achieved much :oops:

Hang out washing
Put another load on
Do the application forms and take back to the DON
Sweep and mop
Get office tidied so I can move the new desk upstairs
Unload dishwasher and put brekkie things in it

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Re: Tuesdays Chores ( Early Planning)

Postby LilMrsAverage » Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:58 pm

JabberJabber wrote::thumbsup: Judith - very organised

Tidy kitchen
Change towels over
Wash towels
Use carpet cleaner on O's carpet
Hang washing out to dry
Put shopping away
Get chicken casserole out for my tea
Midwife appointment
Wipe down bathroom and loo
Put clean clothes away
Prepare salmon and rice for O's tea
Vacuum upstairs
Put nappies on to wash (evening)

Your tooo good! :witch:

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Re: Tuesdays Chores ( Early Planning)

Postby JabberJabber » Tue Mar 27, 2012 1:41 pm

LilMrsAverage wrote:Your tooo good! :witch:

It's because I'm working from home today and doing bits and pieces when I am having a break from work. I can't stare at the screen all day, so need a 5 min break elsewhere, which fits quite nicely with simple tasks.

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