
Sunday chores

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Cloth Nappy Prophet
Cloth Nappy Prophet

Sunday chores

Postby JabberJabber » Sun Aug 05, 2012 6:36 am

Must do:
Tidy bedrooms
Tidy kitchen
Put clean clothes away
Clean bathroom

Good to do:
Return things to Paula
Pass things onto Liz
Put last bits in loft
Sort out toys for Isaac
Book hotels for holiday
Email friends about cottages
Decide on bathroom fittings
Vacuum upstairs

Go to M&S for trousers

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Cloth Nappy Clanger
Cloth Nappy Clanger

Re: Sunday chores

Postby Allie » Sun Aug 05, 2012 7:45 am

Finish drying yesterdays washing on the line
Hang todays washing out once first load dry

Iron first load
grocery shopping
pick kids up after 9 days away :yahoo:
tidy kitchen

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