
To do list week starting 21/03

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To do list week starting 21/03

Postby clothmama » Mon Mar 21, 2016 6:21 am

I've decided to do a weekly list with just the big / extra jobs not the everyday ones as there are too many and the daily ones just get scary then I get frustrated when I haven't done much from the list!
  • go and pick up straw
  • mulch garden where ever I can!
  • cut out and sew some PJ pants for Rémy :sewing: 1/2 done
  • get out my crochet and finish some of my WIPs namely the rest of the bugs for @clothsister lo Penny and my blanket that I started 2.5 years ago!!
  • get plasterboard up on ceiling, lime render walls and other work with J in the office
  • Paint the windows and frame (buy more trestles so can do more at once)
  • pick up sand for lime render from quarry (find out where to go!)
  • finish new garden plans
  • try to get garden completely dug out so I can rotovate it :yahoo: all done!
  • plant early seeds once garden done
  • contact wooden fence stake people and pick up
  • get mountains of washing away and try to keep on top of it this week!
  • deep clean bathroom
  • finish pruning the grape vine and put up wire to train it at the front
  • clear up all the ivy from the front that came off the wall
  • plant hydrangeas

Is that too much for one week :panic: :giggle:

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Re: To do list week starting 21/03

Postby littlesez » Mon Mar 21, 2016 7:34 am

Good idea, I love a good list !

Daily house jobs are just washing, dishwasher, tidy, sweep but then I really need to make a dent in decluttering.

I did lounge last week so.....

1.Declutter kitchen and garden will be this week. And I need to wash bedding, Hoover and mop.

2.Paperwork wise id like to print out some routines for the kids and for me and plan them

- rabbit care charts
- morning routine
- after school routine
- cleaning schedule
- meal planner

For greenabubs
3.finish blanket and email customer to collect

4. Finish new dress

5. Day at the park to take action shots of dress

6. Apart from the usual crazyness of health ed jobs. I need to finish writing the relationships and choices pack and send it out for testing.

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Cloth Nappy Passionata
Cloth Nappy Passionata

Re: To do list week starting 21/03

Postby confusinglady » Mon Mar 21, 2016 7:34 pm

Ugh I need to do this too. Although I have been looking at ' bullet lists' which seem to keep popping up on my pin interest :giggle: and I like the look of a simple one.
I seem to start lists or things to do piles all over the place but haven't got a good one to refer to quickly at times of rushing. Or carrying things foward.

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Cloth Nappy Passionata
Cloth Nappy Passionata

Re: To do list week starting 21/03

Postby confusinglady » Mon Mar 21, 2016 7:36 pm

Ps I find it hard to keep on top of the normal daily things plus an/ a other. I either get all of the boring daily stuff done or I get other bits done and the necessary cooking school organising etc, then it seems to be another week gone :doh:

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