
Laundry routine?

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Laundry routine?

Postby Pickola » Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:20 pm

Looking for tips! I'm terrible at keeping up with washing, folding, putting away, ironing, every aspect really! It then rolls in to the day starting badly when there is nothing to wear! Does anyone have any kind of routine or method that helps? I know there is no miracle cure but something to stop me feeling :loopy: . (I know it's partly my lack of motivation that makes it get to this stage :oops: , but hoping that any advice will give me a kick up the rear!!)


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Re: Laundry routine?

Postby Louise » Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:28 pm

I have a basket for each type (darks,lights, brights and whites)and put a load on from whichever basket is most full. put a wash in the machine before I go to bed and set the timer so it comes on early and is ready to hang up/out when I get up in the morning. Then the second load goes in and a 3rd after that if necessary. I have set days for washing everybody's bedding and towels but everything else is as and when. Each load gets ironed and put away as its dry (unless I'm really busy with extra chores like at Christmas where I usually get an ironing mountain piling up :oops: :oops:)

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Re: Laundry routine?

Postby bekhi1983 » Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:39 pm

I always put the nappy wash on at night then all I have to do is put it on rinse in the morning. Then try to get 2 other loads on during the day, either clothes, towels or bedding, usually in that order. This way I get 1 or 2 days off a week. Putting away is a nightmare with a toddler to entertain so this I either do when daddy baths him at night or when dh has a day off work. When the washing machine has finished I sort which are to go in the dryer and which to go on the radiator, I do the radiator stuff and leave ds2 to load the dryer :giggle: Folding I do whilst he's preoccupied either eating lunch or playing. Ironing? :hohoho: What ironing :wink: that's what the dryer does, doesn't it :hiding:

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Re: Laundry routine?

Postby JenKyleKaitlinRoo » Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:56 pm

we have a dark and light basket and i generally have enough of each for a load per day. I do towels twice per week and beds once per week often once per fortnight. Oh and i only iron school uniform lol
Last edited by JenKyleKaitlinRoo on Sun Jan 08, 2012 5:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Laundry routine?

Postby KimmyM » Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:57 pm

I put the nappies on to wash when they have had their baths so the wash an rince is finished before I go to bed then they go on the airer overnight and thing that was still on the airer goes in the tumble drier to finish off.
Then before I go to bed I pop one load on in the morning that gets hung out or put on another airer (or tumbled depending on the load and the space). I out another load on after breakfast and whilst they both sleep in the afternoon I hang that to and then iron yesterday washing. If I don't finished I will do the rest after the kiddies bedtime.
if I have sheets or towels to do or a wool wash that goes on on in the afternoon. I find that by doing it everyday it doesn't take long and it doesn't make me feel :loopy:
A note on ironing I am a little anal about it I and much better than before we had children I don't iron socks anymore but I do still iron underwear and tea towel ect howeve to do know I'm in the minority but I guess it's just what my mum always did.
Last edited by KimmyM on Sun Jan 08, 2012 5:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Laundry routine?

Postby Caroline » Sun Jan 08, 2012 5:02 pm

I too load it up in the evening and have it come on while I'm asleep. That way I know that whatever else happens in the day 1 load of washing has been done. I then put a second load on as and when during the day. Bedding and towels are done weekly. I make sure that all the clothes are put away every day so it doesn't hang around. I also only iron what I have to.

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Re: Laundry routine?

Postby Miss_Purple » Sun Jan 08, 2012 5:13 pm

I am out at work during the day so don't have a routine as such, but like Louise I have a basket with 3 compartments which I use for whites, blacks and coloureds, I then wash when a compartment is full. DD has her own laundry basket and that gets washed when it's full too, same with the nappy bucket. I tend to use the time while DD is eating her breakfast and tea to sort the airers or hang out washing as they go in the breakfast room. I only iron work clothes and tops really, so I fill a basket with all the dry stuff that can go straight away, everything else is piled on a chair for ironing. I find little and often is the best way to.keep on top of that, so I will often set DD up with some playdough or crayons etc then iron while chatting to her for say 20 mins or until she gets bored of playing on her own.

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Re: Laundry routine?

Postby Twinkletoes » Sun Jan 08, 2012 5:33 pm

I generally stick to 'a load a day keeps chaos away!'. So if I miss a day here and there, it's just 2 loads the next day, no biggie. I mix lights and darks and have never had any disasters. I only dry on airers or outside, so keeping up with the routine is a bit crucial or we run out of drying space! We have 3 airers in total.

I don't iron. Anything. I work, keep an immaculate house (bit anal tbh!) and prepare all food from scratch, so something has to give. Dh irons my work tops and his shirts once a week, trousers and skirts are fine without. Laundry is folded and put away as soon as it's dry.

Bedlinen is done on a weekly rotation - one week our bed, next week dds bed. When we had nappies, we did a load every second day, and had an airer dedicated to nappies only. They always dried before the next load was hung.

Works for us!

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Re: Laundry routine?

Postby ladybird » Sun Jan 08, 2012 6:03 pm

I don't iron anything apart from dh's work shirts! Everything is folded off the line. I have never ironed much and have never had any negative comments.


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