
Home educating families - age gaps

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Sucker for Cloth Nappies

Re: Home educating families - age gaps

Postby knees_on » Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:50 pm

One of the reasons we chose to make the break was that I was getting no quality time with my daughter. She would come home from school tired and grumpy, get changed, read, have dinner go to bed. And that was it. Her Dad (now my DH again!) had her at weekends. The other reason was that she started getting upset at drop off time saying she wanted to stay at home like her brother-she was 5.

The first day of term that she missed was the day her sister was born. I was terrifiedabout HE ata ll but doing it with a newborn :shock: ANy way long and short (DD4 just woken) it was fine. Took a while to adjust but fine.
After 7 years HE they are 1,3,6,8,12 and it is full on but I love it. Me and DH time? Dunno, I sew in the evenings.... :giggle:


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