
Considering home educating , pls help !

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Considering home educating , pls help !

Postby OnceUpon » Wed May 09, 2012 1:21 pm

After my son has been refused a place at the local school , we live in a small village and they said we have to take him over 3 mile away with no transport !!! this is on appeal but anyway.....

....He is 4 and will start year 1 sept 2013 but i would like to home ed him for the next year until he starts yr1 as with our daughter i felt the time she got taught the least was when in full time nursery/foundation unit , our son is very bright and learns easily but iam worried about not being able to do enough and also what about not mixing with other children ?!!

I have a 1yr old at home too , would this cause a problem ?!! I think it may be good for her to as she would have more structure .

Thanks in advance for your help xx

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Re: Considering home educating , pls help !

Postby shyler76 » Wed May 09, 2012 1:56 pm

I have no experience of home education but I'm sure someone who does will be along shortly to help. I did look into it briefly since I would prefer a Montessori school for DD and this is not possible where I live. From my brief investigations I'm pretty sure there are supportive home school networks across the country which provide opportunities to socialise and advice on home school curriculum. Sorry I can't be more helpful but didn't want to read and run :widesmile:

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Re: Considering home educating , pls help !

Postby LilMrsAverage » Wed May 09, 2012 2:03 pm

where abouts are you there are huge yahoo group networks of HE'ers in different areas x

I am dipping my toes in to the world of HE with my nearly 3 year old x

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Re: Considering home educating , pls help !

Postby aimeet » Wed May 09, 2012 3:28 pm

Like Judith said there are0lots of groups and many have meet ups and outings etc. Where in the uk are you?

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Re: Considering home educating , pls help !

Postby OnceUpon » Wed May 09, 2012 4:28 pm

Thanks for your responses xx

Iam in derybyshire , uk . My partner isnt convinced and is hoping he will get into the local school so it may not happen yet but i do plan on home schooling our daughter from her being 2yrs old !!! xx

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Re: Considering home educating , pls help !

Postby northernruth » Wed May 09, 2012 5:29 pm

He doesn't need to go to school till year 1 anyway. My daughter is in reception and they do very little, basic maths, phonics, yes she is reading but she is listened to once a week. They do different phonics letter sounds each day and learn high frequency words, you can get materials online from Amazon etc. I'm sure you'll get a proper answer from a home edder soon

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Re: Considering home educating , pls help !

Postby panzergirl » Mon Jul 23, 2012 9:17 pm

We plan to HE, my son is 3 and I find the best way to look at it at this age is to remember how much you have already taught your child......walking,talking,colours, whatever......how could anything be better than ono on one learning with you! You could invest in/borrow some books if you are keen to start with reading, we like usborne phonics readers or have a go at the Reading Eggs trial.... I know a few HE 4 ish yr olds who love these.

Bear in mind that everything can be learning so cooking is reading,maths etc just enjoy the extra time you're having together!!!!

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