
Homeschooling... Yay or Nay? - Poll - Please Vote

Home schooling, yay or neigh?

Poll ended at Mon Apr 19, 2010 10:34 am

Not sure
Total votes : 46
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Re: Homeschooling... Yay or Nay? - Poll - Please Vote

Postby ladybird » Wed Apr 14, 2010 12:55 pm

Kirstyh wrote:A no from me. Our children get so much out of the social interaction they get at school, they are the only 2 in our street that go to the school they go to (the good school) so are a bit isolated in that respect and I wouldn't want them to be more isolated.

Socialisation needn't be an issue at all. There is a huge HE network, nationally and locally and many, many groups up and running, organised trips to places with other HE families, etc, etc.

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Re: Homeschooling... Yay or Nay? - Poll - Please Vote

Postby Velvetsteph » Wed Apr 14, 2010 1:11 pm

I've put not sure.

At present Isabelle attends nursery part time (2-3 days a week) and loves it BUT she also gets SO much out of stuff we do at home which is obviously basic learning through play stuff but she's coming on in leaps and bounds and learns WAY more at home than she does at preschool...

That said DH is VERY anti-home educating/schooling (call it what you will we know what we mean) because his brother was home educated for a year after being expelled from school and his expeirence of that is very negative so I'd need to 'educate' him on it ;)

I think I'm in favour of it in general but want to see how she gets on with mainstream schooling first...

I believe you can also part-time home educate though that may be more difficult to implement and may result in the child being singled out at school as 'different'...

I'd need to get involved with the HE community first I think and there isn't a lot of that where we live :? :(

Certainly Isabelle thrives on playing with her peers and misses them when she's home...

And I thrive on the routine :oops: as I'm very poor at self-motivation :oops:

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Re: Homeschooling... Yay or Nay? - Poll - Please Vote

Postby megansmummy » Wed Apr 14, 2010 1:26 pm

Velvetsteph wrote:I've put not sure.

At present Isabelle attends nursery part time (2-3 days a week) and loves it BUT she also gets SO much out of stuff we do at home which is obviously basic learning through play stuff but she's coming on in leaps and bounds and learns WAY more at home than she does at preschool...

That said DH is VERY anti-home educating/schooling (call it what you will we know what we mean) because his brother was home educated for a year after being expelled from school and his expeirence of that is very negative so I'd need to 'educate' him on it ;)

I think I'm in favour of it in general but want to see how she gets on with mainstream schooling first...

I believe you can also part-time home educate though that may be more difficult to implement and may result in the child being singled out at school as 'different'...

I'd need to get involved with the HE community first I think and there isn't a lot of that where we live :? :(

Certainly Isabelle thrives on playing with her peers and misses them when she's home...

And I thrive on the routine :oops: as I'm very poor at self-motivation :oops:

So glad you wrote that...its what i have been thinking on the subject... Megan sounds alot like Isabelle...

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Re: Homeschooling... Yay or Nay? - Poll - Please Vote

Postby monsterm » Wed Apr 14, 2010 2:02 pm

I am very much in favour of HE but there is no support really in this country

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Re: Homeschooling... Yay or Nay? - Poll - Please Vote

Postby charliesam » Wed Apr 14, 2010 2:31 pm

I would love to home school my older 2 and they would love it also- i did do so for 8 weeks when i was away from home having sam - with the support of my mum who is a teacher, and we got through so much more than they do at school in a very short period of time. However as i am on my own and work full time it is not an option :( :( i would also love to part home school but it seems virtually impossible here and when i ahve mentioned it people look at me in horror :giggle: and i thinkunless the school was on board as well it would not work. i am not sure about secondary level- i think i could probably mange upto a certain level- but as people have said it would be the kids working and learning for themselves :D

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Re: Homeschooling... Yay or Nay? - Poll - Please Vote

Postby sjm » Wed Apr 14, 2010 2:41 pm

I put no but only because thats my personal choice, I think its a great idea if its right for you. I am not clever enough and would be worried they where missing out on the things i dont know.

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Re: Homeschooling... Yay or Nay? - Poll - Please Vote

Postby rachelinscotland » Wed Apr 14, 2010 2:45 pm

Yay, yay, yay! :giggle:

I was homeschooled - from the beginning all the way through school! So 12 years of homeschooling (in USA) and my first experience of a classroom was when I decided to go to college at age 19. A great experience which I would recommend to anyone. My husband (despite being rather older than me!) was also homeschooled - in the UK - from about age 8 through till he did college later.

So yes, we'll be homeschooling our children too! :D Abigail is 4 now and will be "school age" this autumn (since she's 5 in november), so will be full time homeschooled from then. Though I've already started doing lessons/workbooks with her, which she begs for! I was happy to wait till she was the age that it was required, but she's extra eager and "forced" me to start early! :hohoho: And I thought it would be good to get into the habit of daily lessons before we "had" to, since baby #4 is due to arrive in the first part of October, so will be a busy time of year as it is! She's already reading quite well, which is great. My husband has been working through books from the Oxford Reading Tree series, which she enjoys.

So yes, anyone who is unsure - go for it! It's very rewarding! :) And this comes from someone who was only ever homeschooled, so been there and done it! :D

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Re: Homeschooling... Yay or Nay? - Poll - Please Vote

Postby Mock » Wed Apr 14, 2010 2:56 pm

Yes. We home educate our four. Most of the negativity towards HE is due to misunderstandings, especially regarding social interaction, as demonstrated in this thread.

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Re: Homeschooling... Yay or Nay? - Poll - Please Vote

Postby northernruth » Wed Apr 14, 2010 5:22 pm

I realise a lot of home eductors don't necessarily want to follow the set curriculum, but I was shocked to read in an article recently that home educators have to pay examination fees for their children if they want them to sit GCSEs and A levels. Surely if every child is entitled to have these fees paid, as they would be if they were in mainstream school.


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