
Does anyone here home educate?

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Re: Does anyone here home educate?

Postby littlesez » Fri Sep 03, 2010 8:22 pm

I need help convincing my husband because i really want to do it! but i also dont have enough confidence in my own abilities as a teacher I would loev to know more stuff like taht shadow and yes like a "typical day would be fab. Can we have another thread like a diary! sorry HE'ers, you might find this silly request but im geniunly interested :D

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Re: Does anyone here home educate?

Postby ladybird » Fri Sep 03, 2010 8:37 pm

Exams and qualifications aren't compulsory, I've heard of a lot of HE students going to Uni with nothing qualification-wise and just because they don't attend school it doesn't mean that exams can't be taken.
The ethos behind HE is generally that a child learns because they WANT to, not because they HAVE to, so the thirst for knowledge is there and not reined in as it *could* be at school. Therefore there is very little "teaching" involved. They ask questions, we facilitate them in finding out the answers, as they get older they are perfectly able and willing to find things out themselves. Books, the internet, asking questions, observation, etc, etc, etc. You don't need to sit at a desk to learn.

I totally agree that school is the better situation for some children. I don't think I could keep a diary, it wouldn't really read as that interesting tbh. We do a lot of learning while we're walking places. Today we've discussed aqueducts, arches, various aspects of architecture, looked at maps of our town from 100yrs ago, talked about exchange rates and foreign currency, we do spelling and sums whilst walking places frequently (at the boys' request), we've done some yoga, we've used the paddling pool to look at sinking and floating, made paper lily pads that open and investigated why, Ocean has had a work book out and done some writing. has read to me and between the 3 of them they've probably got through at least 20 books, most of which I won't have seen them looking at. They've listened to various CDs, listened to the news and talked about a couple of items from that, we've picked veg from the garden and prepared it for dinner, cooked together.........and that's just what I can think of now.

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Re: Does anyone here home educate?

Postby angelsquidge » Fri Sep 03, 2010 9:07 pm

Oh I totally agree that you don't have to be behind a desk to learn....it's something I love about our school is that it's very much focused on being outdoors, allowing children to develop their own individual interests and strengths etc. They do a lot like growing their own veg from seed, harvesting then cooking/preparing and eating etc. I guess they teach/allow the children to learn in very much the same was as I would if I were to HE mine.

I think HE can teach children a lot of things they can't learn in school....and vice versa which gives them both very positive aspects.

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Re: Does anyone here home educate?

Postby Annette » Fri Sep 03, 2010 9:24 pm

and equally there is no reason you can't add to a child's formal education by doing the things mentioned at home :) i am sure many of the mums on here do some home educating every day - ben can count to 11 :) (he misses out 4,5,7 and 8 but we are getting there :giggle: )

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Re: Does anyone here home educate?

Postby aimeet » Fri Sep 03, 2010 9:31 pm

Hi, I am also really interested in HE. I am a teacher in a secondary school so quite torn about the whole thing, really I should want to send Pea to school but have always LOVED the idea of HE. In reality I would like to HE at primary school level and maybe start her in school a bit later, although our local village primary is just awesome and has mixed age classes and is a very friendly, family type atmosphere. So as you can see I am torn, also Hubby is also a teacher and his experience HE kids in 6th form tend not to do as well in A levels.
I am not confident enough to teach complex subjects at a higher level (GCSE and higher), hence why I would like Pea to go to 'Big school'.
Thoughts please from HErs on whether you wil continue as your los get to secondary age.

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Re: Does anyone here home educate?

Postby ladybird » Fri Sep 03, 2010 9:43 pm

Annette wrote:and equally there is no reason you can't add to a child's formal education by doing the things mentioned at home :) i am sure many of the mums on here do some home educating every day - ben can count to 11 :) (he misses out 4,5,7 and 8 but we are getting there :giggle: )

I totally agree. The only thing I found limiting when the boys were at school is lack of time when they were home. By the time we got home, had a snack, they went off to have a play/read/rest/whatever they wanted to do, did any homework, cooked and ate dinner, bathed, did physio and meds, there wasn't a huge amount of time during the week. Granted, they could easily join in with things, but more often than not they wanted to go and do something else.

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Re: Does anyone here home educate?

Postby nappynutter » Fri Sep 03, 2010 9:49 pm

aimeet wrote:Thoughts please from HErs on whether you wil continue as your los get to secondary age.

We're HEing at secondary level.

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Re: Does anyone here home educate?

Postby littlesez » Fri Sep 03, 2010 9:52 pm

Annette wrote:and equally there is no reason you can't add to a child's formal education by doing the things mentioned at home :) i am sure many of the mums on here do some home educating every day - ben can count to 11 :) (he misses out 4,5,7 and 8 but we are getting there :giggle: )

this is my hubby's main point

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Re: Does anyone here home educate?

Postby Annette » Fri Sep 03, 2010 10:03 pm

i suppose my fear would always be that as they get older, not only would the subject matter become harder to teach but you also have to deal with 'teenagers!' it was so difficult to get my 15 year old brother to do anything, never mind actively want to learn. He did eventually get some gcse's and could have gone on to do alright, but this was mostly because he was made to go to school. This must be very difficult to deal with as a home educator, of course for any parent, if you find you have a child who decides all they want to do is play computer games! Do you then force them to learn or leave them to their own devices? I would agree that young children have a thirst for knowledge and a desire to learn but i imagine this diminishes as they get older. Hey i love my job and have a desire to do well but i have days when i really can't be bothered, and if i didn't have to go to work, some days i think i wouldn't :giggle:


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