
Home educators

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Home educators

Postby happytails » Sat Jul 09, 2011 3:41 pm

Is anyone willing to let us into your home, see how you educate and how you live?

We would obviously stay in a b&b close by make it into a holiday sort of :lol: dp thinks it would be a good idea we are so up for home Ed but don't want to do it unless we know we can give it our all,

Replies via pm also if you prefer :wink:

Sarah xx

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Re: Home educators

Postby nappynutter » Sat Jul 09, 2011 3:53 pm

happytails wrote:Is anyone willing to let us into your home, see how you educate and how you live?

We would obviously stay in a b&b close by make it into a holiday sort of :lol: dp thinks it would be a good idea we are so up for home Ed but don't want to do it unless we know we can give it our all,

Replies via pm also if you prefer :wink:

Sarah xx

I'm just wondering how you think it will help you decide? Obviously everyone is very different so my idea of HE may be completely different from what you might want to do or what is right for your kids. I think the most important thing to realise is that a lot of learning happens naturally in day to day living (not formally) and you need to let your kids find their own passions and interests and support them in that. Everything else will fall into place.

The best way to know whether it's for you is to just get on and do it. You would have to lock your kids in a empty cupboard all day to stop them learning useful stuff. :wink: :giggle:

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Re: Home educators

Postby happytails » Sat Jul 09, 2011 4:42 pm

I will try and answer this better later as we are camping but discussing home Ed :lol:

Basically we just want to see how different people home educate and how their children have perhaps benefited from not Being in the schooling system or been taken out of school for home Ed.

And just generally chatting to families who are pro home Ed as everyone we speak to don't understand and we are just finding it hard to decide and wonder how we will have time to get dps business in full swing and man that etc etc


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Re: Home educators

Postby ladybird » Sat Jul 09, 2011 4:55 pm

I'm happy to chat via pm, but not sure that you'd benefit from seeing us at home tbh. We just get on at home, the boys pretty much do their own thing. I insist they do some Maths and English, but that could be in the form of baking (weighing and measuring) for example. They each have their own interests and I facilitate in various ways, be it helping them look stuff up online, go to the library, find people to talk to...... the possibilities for learning are endless.

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Re: Home educators

Postby Caroline » Sat Jul 09, 2011 5:28 pm

THIS would be my first starting point.

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Re: Home educators

Postby indigosky2k » Sat Jul 09, 2011 5:34 pm

I'm going to get to know the local HE groups, apparently there's a strong HE community here in Bradford. That's my idea of getting to know different ways families HE, maybe there's a group in Blackpool or somewhere local to you. You'd be welcome to come join us when I sort something out/arrange meeting anyone ;) Also I can chat to you about how my sister HE'd her kids :)

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Re: Home educators

Postby Velvetsteph » Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:59 pm

I would start by getting to know your local home ed groups now :)

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