
Home educating families introduce yourself here!

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Re: Home educating families introduce yourself here!

Postby frankie_n_baby » Fri Jul 15, 2011 7:59 pm

Wow, Steph, Davina and others here...I keep wondering about he, too. Hubbie has some thoughts about it but I think he leans more towards standard schooling..I do think it fits better with the other parenting choices we've made.

If HE doesn't work out as well or your child seems better suited to traditional schools instead, how hard is it to change?

What HE info, support and resources are there?

This is an exciting new thread and I'd love to read other's experiences. :mrgreen:

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Re: Home educating families introduce yourself here!

Postby mama2boyz » Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:55 pm

We're home edding too.

Nathan is 6yo. He did 6mo in nursery and it was awful for him so we decided to do what we had already decided to do and home educate!

Timothy is 3 and follows his brother in everything.

Lizzy is 1 and follows the other two!

We use a mixture of free range education and plug in any gaps we find with lessons. Actually I do a 'formal' lesson every day and make sure that virtually all our games/toys/activities are educational.
We use the internet a lot and my kids can go online whenever they want - at their ages I don't have to worry about them going on to dodgey sites!! They usually go to readeggs.com, Starfall.com or Peep.

For us, it's all about being open to what the child is interested in and guiding him along his own path.

I'll be honest though...some days are hard! Like today actually. I prepared a fun sentence building game which I was informed afterwards wasn't 'good' :lookround: . I hate it when my preparation seems to go to waste but that's part of the journey I guess.

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Re: Home educating families introduce yourself here!

Postby cezzle » Thu Nov 17, 2011 1:55 am

I'm Ceri, 38, home educating my 4 children - Alexander (14), Gabriella (10), Romany (5) and Dorian (7 months).
We live in Leicestershire and are mainly autonomous.
With that, the baby has woken up and I have to feed him!
Looking forward to chatting with you all,
Ceri xx

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Re: Home educating families introduce yourself here!

Postby panzergirl » Mon Jul 30, 2012 10:29 am

Hi all :wave: my boys are 3yrs 3 mths and 7mths and I plan on HE, we have joined local HE yahoo groups, EarlyyearsHE group is particularly good to read about other people managing HE!

We already go to a few HE group meets/events/days out as a lot of DS1's friends are starting pre schools and HE groups have a great mix of all ages to socialise with.

I will probably lean toward a fairly unstructured HE led by what DS's are keen on initially but I am open to things changing, even that in the future they may want, or circumstances may dictate that they do start school but certainly not at 5!!!!

The more people I meet who HE the more positive I feel about it and have heard some great stories of local HEdders achievements. My main motive at the moment tho is that I can't help feeling that school suppresses too much of a childs natural interest and excitement, what if DS doesn't want to do Math on a weds when the timetable says but would be keen on a friday or a month friday!!!! I think, particularly in early years if you are in a fortunate position of being able to HE then why not! Why get someone else to spend the day with my kids while I stay home!!!!

I'll stop now before I get on my high horse :giggle:

Sarah xx

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Re: Home educating families introduce yourself here!

Postby cheeky_monkey » Sun Sep 23, 2012 9:59 am

Hi all, I'm so pleased to find a HE group on here :wave: I have been on CNT for years but never really ventured into the forum before. I have 2 girls 4 and 2 and a very tiny number 3 on the way for next spring :pregnant: . I would LOVE to HE however my OH does not agree and we need to make a decision about this soon as we will have to register S for school in Dec/Jan time if we do decide to go down the school rout. I do have my concerns about weather me and S clash too much for me to facilitate her learning as sometimes we do clash and I have a tendency to push too much and she pushes back. The problem is I don't realise I'm doing it at the time. Anyway I'm working on it and I do still believe that it would be the best option and I don't really want to put her in an environment where she is indoors for the majority of the day. We are a part of the HE group in Glasgow and do quite a lot of activities such as drama classes, Forest school club, We will be starting gymnastics in October hopefully. And enjoy going to the botanics and parks and meeting up with people. OK I think that is enough rambling for now. I'm off to peruse the different topics of conversation :thumbsup:

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Re: Home educating families introduce yourself here!

Postby clothpixie » Sun Sep 23, 2012 11:10 am

Just thought I would say hello over here!

I am currently HE'ing Michael. I removed him from school 2 weeks ago as they were not helping him in anyway. He was diagnosed with autism over the summer. He only went to reception class for 2hrs and I knew it wasn't for him although he did attend the nursery last year there and was excluded twice :roll: . They have 60 kids in reception this year and the noise and so many people is just too much for him and so not fair to expect him to cope. His sensory issues are many - noise, smell, sight, taste, touch.
So, we are doing our own thing at home, mainly lots of play but also some learning but very basic due to his age.
He may attend another school we're not sure yet but it would have to be suitable for his needs. He may go back to school when he's older if he wants to and can cope.
SENCo wants to see me tomorrow morning for what I don't know but I do know he isn't going back there unless they provide for his needs but it's a mainstream school and with the limited resources they have I can't see it happening no matter what they say. While he was in nursery they promised many ways to help and never delivered so I have very little faith in them.

So, we're just starting on our HE journey with Michael. My daughter Samantha will remain in school as she loves it.
Wish us luck!

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Re: Home educating families introduce yourself here!

Postby JabberJabber » Wed Dec 12, 2012 9:51 am

@ellenzhang Do you home educate your children?

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Re: Home educating families introduce yourself here!

Postby anikaandxanthe » Wed Aug 07, 2013 9:36 pm

Hi, we are a home educating family. we have 2 girls, DD1 is 5 and DD2 is only 8weeks! Still new to home educating but even in such a short space of time I cant imagine having it any other way now. It would be nice to chat to other home educating families and meet up with any who live in Cumbria. My friends/family who have children don't really 'get' what we're doing and why. They would never consider home educating so I feel a bit like the odd one out! Also, If anyone is considering home ed and has any questions I will do my best to answer!
fay x

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Re: Home educating families introduce yourself here!

Postby BubbaL1ss » Mon Mar 17, 2014 9:36 pm

We're home edding our two boys, 4 and 2, eldest should start school in Sept but we decided to go down the HE route. I didn't realise that this forum was in Cloth Nappy Tree so was very excited to see it tonight. I came on here to look to see if i can sell some nappies as we sadly need no more !!! i still get broody looking at the wool for sale!
Still, looking to the future, what could be more amazing than home ed... we have been going to a couple of local groups for the last six months to ensure boys get to know a group of kids and they love meeting up, especially with the older kids... like an extended family :)
Forgot this was just an introduction... is there anyone else in the South West?
Hope to hear, always appreciate advice
Ros XX


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