
First week or so not going well!

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First week or so not going well!

Postby Velvetsteph » Tue Sep 13, 2011 4:14 pm

The groups out and about are fine... But in the house has not gone that well...

I know this is mostly due to me recovering from surgery so I have so little energy and am a bit of a grump and less inclined to find things funny...

But also Isabelle has a cold so also has no energy and isn't prepared to use her brain at all or so it seems!!!

I need a massive injection of patience but I don't think they do them on the NHS and I dread to think what they'd cost privately ;)

I KNOW I know that we don't need to do it all at once, and she's still learning all the time at home even if we don't do activities as such but goodness!!! I also know it's very very early days and I need to give it time...

Both girls are bickering a lot and winding each other a lot and I find it hard to keep them seperate as they want to do whatever the other is doing and never give each other any space...

I know it won't stay like this either...

Someone please find my mojo for me and give it a decent kick up the backside and return it to me pronto!!!!

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Re: First week or so not going well!

Postby megansmummy » Tue Sep 13, 2011 5:18 pm

I have no advice but lots of :hug:

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Re: First week or so not going well!

Postby happytails » Tue Sep 13, 2011 5:26 pm

Things will improve I'm sure, don't push it or try too hard as it will stress you both out right now :hug:

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Re: First week or so not going well!

Postby ladybird » Tue Sep 13, 2011 5:32 pm

Have you read about unschooling? It took us almost 2 years to unschool, it wasn't until it all clicked one day to realise it does need to happen and had done so - for the boys as well as me. And don't forget that you don't have to stick to school holidays - take a break on days you need to. We had a really busy long weekend, so the boys haven't done any book work today. They had a little time on Brainpop this morning, have been to a gymnastics class this afternoon and have played or done their chores for the rest of the time. Take it day at a time, I wouldn't push it, just go with the flow.

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Re: First week or so not going well!

Postby Velvetsteph » Tue Sep 13, 2011 6:36 pm

Thanks guys - I'm normally quite chilled about this type of thing and I know that me being tired and recovering, and the girls being under the weather and Isabelle especially was clearly feeling rotten today so it was a bad combination resulting in tantrums from her and super-strictness on behaviour from me!! Haha never a good combination really!!

I will try and chill - I had heard of unschooling but was kinda hoping that would happen over the summer holidays :lol: especially as she's only done a year of reception!!

Perhaps tomorrow the TV and computers might get more of a look-in though she tried using the PC today but didn't have the patience! That says a lot about how rotten she's feeling really...

Oh and I'll try and get an earlier night...

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Re: First week or so not going well!

Postby charlibunny » Tue Sep 13, 2011 6:39 pm

Take a break hun. Things will flow much better when you and Isabelle feel better xxx

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Re: First week or so not going well!

Postby jules070603 » Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:34 pm

No advice on the homeschooling but don't be too hard on yourself. You have just had an operation and you need to recover 100%. :hug:

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