
DH is stressing about reading and writing.

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DH is stressing about reading and writing.

Postby Velvetsteph » Sun Oct 09, 2011 9:10 pm

DH is really stressing that Isabelle isn't interested in reading at all...
She knows her letters and if we can get her to concentrate she's not bad at it but she just won't, she just isn't interested in it... She also isn't interested in 'maths' or 'english' although she likes writing it's on her own terms and she'd much prefer to write nonsense and non-letters to writing anything that makes sense... He's also concerned because she is very bright, just that her writing, reading and maths don't seem to be up to speed with the rest of her!

My POV on this is that she just isn't academically minded, she's creatively minded and would rather be playing outside exploring outdoors, doing INTERESTING things like finding out how things work or learning a craft (as long as it's not too difficult otherwise she loses patience) and so we shouldn't push it - gently encourage sure when needed but I don't want to push it...

It does concern me slightly but I'm determined not to put pressure on her as my writing was atrocious in school and I hated writing - didn't want to concentrate on something so boring... But I loved reading!

Isabelle loves books and I have to remind myself she's only five so reading the odd word here and there should be fine...


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Re: DH is stressing about reading and writing.

Postby zoeyboo » Sun Oct 09, 2011 9:15 pm

I could be wrong, but don't Steiner Schools teach things as children become interested in them?

Perhaps you could come up with ways that might make them seem interesting to her so she wants to do them?

For example Xmas is coming up so talking about writing Xmas lists/letters to Santa.

Tell her that you need to know some information about the things she would like ... she needs to say what the thing does/why she likes it etc?

Maths ... helping you with doing the food shopping, maybe online ... writing down how much things cost and adding them up, maybe even with a calculator to start with?

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Re: DH is stressing about reading and writing.

Postby Velvetsteph » Sun Oct 09, 2011 9:17 pm

I kinda do that with her already and in her head her maths is fine so I'm not concerned, same with writing...
But how do I do it with reading?

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Re: DH is stressing about reading and writing.

Postby yummymummysaraya » Sun Oct 09, 2011 9:19 pm

At 5 reading or writing the odd word here or there is perfectly normal. My son is at school and tbh he's exactly like that. Children will always learn at a pace which suits them imho. I just try to encourage him in fun ways. We have sideboard books to trace over letters and words & we do akin of story telling, with actions and silly voices. Its the best way i can think to keep an eye on what he's learning. I know its not the same since he's not home taught, but i wouldn't worry too much :) x

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Re: DH is stressing about reading and writing.

Postby yummymummysaraya » Sun Oct 09, 2011 9:20 pm

whiteboard books*

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Re: DH is stressing about reading and writing.

Postby cat27m » Sun Oct 09, 2011 9:21 pm

If she's not interested then I wouldn't push it, she is only 5 after all. Just keep reading lots of stories to her and keep it fun. The writing non-letters, mark making etc. is all part of learning to read and write and is an important stage to go through that should be encouraged. Get her to 'write' (in her own way) in lots of situations - shopping lists, letters, her own wee books, sand trays, gloop, outside in the mud etc. She will do it when she's ready - just gently encourage her when she is interested and keep it fun.
Toby isn't home educated but we went through exactly the same thing with him. He loves books and was quite happy to sit and listen to a story but was just not ready to do it himself. His reading has only just taken off in the last few months and he's almost 7. We just tried not to make a big deal of it and went at his pace.

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Re: DH is stressing about reading and writing.

Postby evansmummy » Sun Oct 09, 2011 9:22 pm

Velvetsteph wrote:I kinda do that with her already and in her head her maths is fine so I'm not concerned, same with writing...
But how do I do it with reading?

Is he happy to attempt to read things that interest her? Maybe do a short story about one of her adventures and ask her to read it with you?

Or a day diary? For a while caden would like us to fill it in and then he'd attempt to read it back.

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Re: DH is stressing about reading and writing.

Postby ladybird » Sun Oct 09, 2011 9:22 pm

Ocean taught himself to read, I've taught him nothing to do with it, he's worked out how to sound out words, etc, entirely of his own accord and he reads exceptionally well imho. I would just keep reading to her and making sure there's a supply of books around that she's interested in looking at and then be around to help when she's ready.

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Re: DH is stressing about reading and writing.

Postby Velvetsteph » Sun Oct 09, 2011 9:24 pm

Thanks guys, sounds like we're doing the right things then - I'll keep it chilled then and keep doing what we're doing :)


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