
Activities for Pre-Schoolers

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Activities for Pre-Schoolers

Postby Cyrillia » Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:16 am

I'm wondering if anyone has any links to activities I could do with pre-schoolers? I want to get a start as I need to prove to DH that Ethan can learn at home, but I'm not familiar on where to look for good age appropriate learning resources. Google just brings up all sorts, and it would take me hours to go through it all, so I thought I'd lean on you guys. :D :giggle:


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Re: Activities for Pre-Schoolers

Postby busybee » Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:12 am

Hi :wave: I'm in a similar situation, as I'm starting home ed with my 3.5 yr old. She's not going to pre-school/nursery or staring reception next year. My DH is still not 100% sure! So I want to impress him with what we can do at home. I just stared looking at resources, so can't be too much help there, but I found this one recently
haven't had much of a chance to look at it but it there seem to be some links to resources etc

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