
Guinea pigs

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Guinea pigs

Postby confusinglady » Wed Jun 03, 2015 4:29 pm

We'd like to get some guinea pigs. There is a hutch here that was left at the house which I m hoping to clean up and use.
Having read a few bits and bobs I m a bit confused as to whether they can be kept outside? Also we have a cat and cats that come through the garden, how much of a threat do they pose to a guinea pig?

Thank you

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Re: Guinea pigs

Postby LynniferT » Wed Jun 03, 2015 5:49 pm

Our piggies live in our lean to conservatory for the cold months and then outside in the spring/summer. We have a separate run for them to go out in the garden.

We have cats next door on both sides and although they're interested in the guinea pigs they can't get to them as they are safe in the hutch.

You can get covers for hutches that protect against the rain and cold, ours would be outside full time if i had a bigger hutch for them :)

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Cloth Nappy Passionata

Re: Guinea pigs

Postby confusinglady » Wed Jun 03, 2015 7:08 pm

Thank you @lynniferT
We have a utility room which would be good over winter but our cat lives in there so that's a no go.
I did see the covers so that will have to be what we do for winter. :thumbsup:

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Cloth Nappy Nutter

Re: Guinea pigs

Postby cuppachaplz » Sat Jun 06, 2015 9:27 am

Unless very cold, they're fine outside, but you may need somewhere warmer in the winter.
Put the hutch in a sheltered spot, with some shade as they get heatstroke too.
Remember to bulk up bedding in the winter.
I would treat an old hutch with insecticide before reusing just in case of mites (I've seen far too many this year)
Have you kept guinea pigs before @confusinglady! (Before I launch off on my husbandry ramble...)

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Cloth Nappy Passionata
Cloth Nappy Passionata

Re: Guinea pigs

Postby confusinglady » Sat Jun 06, 2015 9:45 am

Thank you @cuppachaplz

No I ve never kept guinea pigs before, only cats, so all advice gratefully received!
I want to be totally prepared before we get them :thumbsup:

I m wondering if it would be better to get a new hutch, although I ve not had chance to have a proper look at this old one yet.
It looks like it would have a good amount of space and would seem a shame to get a new one ( I do like to reuse ;) ) , or to get a secondhand one if we have one here.

I m very frustrated that I still feel wiped out after this illness or I would be scrubbing it now!

Would it just be usual insecticide? One that is safe for near animals?

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Cloth Nappy Nutter

Re: Guinea pigs

Postby cuppachaplz » Sun Jun 07, 2015 6:52 am

@confusinglady, you can get pet safe ones from most places. Just do it in advance so the wood has dried out.
If you happen to have a steam cleaner, they can be good at killing any visitors and save you some scrubbing. Sorry you're feeling rough
Just remember that hay isn't just bedding for guinea pigs, they need daily forage to wear down teeth.
They also have an absolute requirement for vitamin c, so must have fresh veg/greens daily.
Bring them inside (or into shed/ garage) if very cold, otherwise just covering/ sheltering hutch in the winter is fine (common sense really).
Guinea pigs are fab :)
Just make sure you get them from someone who us good at sexing them, or you'll end up with lots! :shock: :giggle:

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Cloth Nappy Passionata
Cloth Nappy Passionata

Re: Guinea pigs

Postby confusinglady » Sun Jun 07, 2015 7:51 am

Thank you @cuppachaplz

Yes I have a steam cleaner, so I ll put that to good use :thumbsup:
We're hoping to house it in a sheltered spot outside. It may be in or near a log store but DH is making the log store so we be not got that yet ;) but hopefully would be ready for winter.

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Cloth Nappy Nutter

Re: Guinea pigs

Postby Kim » Sun Jun 07, 2015 11:42 am

We got our guinea pigs from a local rescue centre so definitely know ours are girls. Ours weren't mistreated but from an unwanted litter from wrongly sexed piggies. Our friends have some that were mistreated without any problems. May be worth look to see if you have a local rescue centre.

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