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Back to nappies - what is best?

Postby masheater » Mon Aug 27, 2012 11:23 am

Hi guys. My little man (2nd son) started refusing nappies about January and for a while he did fairly well (just 2yrs then)
I waited a few months then sold all his nappies. SInce the summer holidays it has got worse and worse and feel I am constantly shouting etc. Got a few easyfits for emergency and night as change to big bed meant entire bed changes every day.
Just back from hols and had week off with eco friendly disposables. Since friday I have been trying him with trainer pants and even timing potty visits. There is some success usually each end of the day but then he outright resists. Anyway long story short I want to get more nappies - don't really want more disposables and the cloth pull ups don't allow me to feel much less stressed. I also feel loathed to spend much so was thinking nippa nappies with wraps. Has anyone used these before with a toddler? Any advice?
Thanks :lookround:

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