
1 month old sleep? EASY routine?

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1 month old sleep? EASY routine?

Postby clothmama » Tue Dec 30, 2014 9:09 am

I'm a bit confused about sleep with Rémy. Nights on the whole are fantastic, we tend to cluster feed the evenings and then goes down anywhere up to midnight and then wakes about 3 then 6/7am so can't really complain about that (other than the other night where he was awake from 2-6 am :cry: ). Not every night is so good but it does seem pretty good to me!

In the day we have been holding him a lot mainly because he was so little and sick that that just felt like what he needed. I think now he is a bit bigger and stronger we need to start putting him down for his naps (more than anything because we need to pack - fast!). He isn't very keen on this and we have no sort of routine at all and sometimes he ends up being awake for a long long time (which I dont' remember the others doing!) and doesn't like being put down.

I started reading about the EASY thing which I know some of you have used so been trying that since yesterday. I tried a dream feed at 10 pm and it worked wonders, he then slept for 4 hours (I think this is the longest sleep I've had since he was born :yahoo: :yahoo: ).

So overall happy with the nights just really not sure what to do in the day, he always wants a little top up after the play / before his sleep and not sure if I should be insisting on sleeps or what I should be doing to help him. I just can't remember what I did with the others although I seem to remember them napping a lot and I'd like to see that now!!

Any thoughts / help / ideas gratefully received!

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Re: 1 month old sleep? EASY routine?

Postby sim » Tue Dec 30, 2014 9:55 am

I couldn't do the EASY routine with either of the boys.
I 'insisted' on 3 naps at that age - L fell asleep in the sling in the school run each morning (I fed and changed him before we left) then I tended to feed him again at lunchtime and if he didn't feed to sleep I'd lie down with him until he dropped off and then he'd sleep again in the afternoon (often on the afternoon school run in the sling or pushchair). I did learn the skill of transferring him from sling to bed.

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Re: 1 month old sleep? EASY routine?

Postby clothsister » Tue Dec 30, 2014 9:58 am

Sounds pretty much like Pen and she's 4.5 months old. She'll fall asleep on me much better than off. She's still awake until 10/10:30 at night then wakes once or twice a night (sometimes more) she's only JUST starting a routine at the moment. X

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Re: 1 month old sleep? EASY routine?

Postby clothsister » Tue Dec 30, 2014 9:59 am

I did the EASY routine at about 9 months with Chloe. Didn't work at all until then. Does he have a bouncer that he likes? X

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Re: 1 month old sleep? EASY routine?

Postby laceybat » Tue Dec 30, 2014 11:06 am

ROSS was like Remy in the end I just wrapped him so he would sleep. And I could get things done. He still has 2 naps a day. I started to put him down for a nap at around 9 months. He still wakes in the night but that's because he's wet through. We change him 2-3 time a night. I hope you find something that works for you.

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Re: 1 month old sleep? EASY routine?

Postby clothmama » Tue Dec 30, 2014 11:28 am

Thanks everyone, I'll chill out and not worry too much then! I will just keep trying to see what he likes and will work as we have to get time with him asleep. @sim I may have to try a bit harder, we are all so smitten we just pick him up :giggle: Louis goes for him at the slightest squawk :love: !
clothsister wrote:Does he have a bouncer that he likes? X

Sadly no, we are staying so minimal until we leave. I might try to ask if anyone has one I can borrow, I remember that is what Josh most liked (can't remember with Louis :shock: but pretty sure we had one for him as well!)

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Re: 1 month old sleep? EASY routine?

Postby clothmama » Tue Dec 30, 2014 11:53 am

It is now near 11 and he has been awake since 8 is 3 hours toi long? He seems to do it quite a lot, I'm worried I'm missing his sleepy cues.

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Re: 1 month old sleep? EASY routine?

Postby clothmama » Tue Dec 30, 2014 11:54 am

Just realised it has been over 30 degrees today so can't count it as a normal day!

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Re: 1 month old sleep? EASY routine?

Postby PixieFix » Tue Dec 30, 2014 11:59 am

I tried this with EJ, although I didn't know it was called this. My friend told me eat, play, sleep so that's what I tried but that only really works when she doesn't fall asleep mid feed. She nearly always falls asleep while she's feeding. So more often than not its eat, play, eat, sleep, as I use the play part to wake her up so she can eat some more then have a proper nap (otherwise she would be wanting fed every hour and that would make me look like this - :loopy: ).


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