
Sleep at 8 months?

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Sleep at 8 months?

Postby clothmama » Tue Aug 04, 2015 9:23 pm

Again doubting myself as Rémy is not fantastic on the sleep front! My sister had babies who slept through from early on so has made me question what I'm doing! She reakons that hers were only having 1 sleep in the day by 8 months then sleeping 7.30/8 until 7.30/8 - that would rock my world!

Rémy is most definitely not doing that! He usually wakes for a feed around 5 (regardless of how many in the night) then at 7 both normally normal for him 10 minute feeds then up around 9 normally, sometimes it is earlier say 8am. He then seems to be exhausted and want to go to bed (regardless of time up) about an hour after waking (again not always depending on how bad the night is - sometimes he'll happily to through until 11 or 12 and have a good lunch time nap). He then either has a big sleep from late morning or a short one then and a longer one after lunch. He often (especially if has an earlier sleep) a quick late afternoon nap which I generally have to wake him from. I'm fine with all that but then he is exhausted at 7.30 - 8.30 depending and goes down for bed but often wakes up through the evening and then is awake until 11 or 12 and I'm exhausted from that! So I guess he is having 3 a day which maybe my sis has a point is too much and perhaps effecting the evening issues.

What do / did yours do?

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Re: Sleep at 8 months?

Postby sim » Tue Aug 04, 2015 9:39 pm

What ever they wanted and not much sleeping!

Seriously, both boys were having two naps at that age. The first was usually 3 hours after waking and usually 1-2 hours. The second was early afternoon and usually about an hour. Bedtime 6:30 - 7pm, numerous brief wakings for boob and or comfort overnight and up for the day between 5 and 6:30.

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Re: Sleep at 8 months?

Postby Dancing mum » Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:25 pm

At 8 months she would wake about 8/9am and then be tired for a nap at 9.30/10.30am. Nap would last anywhere from 30 mins to 2.5hrs. Depending on how the morning went she'd sometimes fall asleep again mid afternoon for an hr or so. To be honest it often depended on whether she had the opportunity as well, so if we were busy out and about or I'd had to take her to work with me then she'd just keep going, but if we were at home she'd want boob and a nap :wink: She then fell asleep at night anywhere between 8-10.30pm (even later on a really bad night). She then woke several times throughout the night (and still does :roll: ).
I'd love her to sleep through the night but at 16 months we're still not there yet and I've decided to just roll with it because the thought of doing some sort of sleep training regime fills me with dread!
Try not to worry too much about what your sisters kids did, I'm sure you'd be saying to someone else with your concerns that every baby is different.

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Re: Sleep at 8 months?

Postby ems101 » Wed Aug 05, 2015 6:42 am

Same as sim. Ben is just dropping his second nap at 16m

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Re: Sleep at 8 months?

Postby littlesez » Wed Aug 05, 2015 7:00 am

Izzy at 8 months I think was sleeping through and one or two big naps. Leon, ha ha he didn't sleep til he was 2!

An idea but why not let him sleep more for his afternoon nap then let him go to bed later maybe 9 ish then fingers crossed you would get your evening.

Me personally I can cope with night wakings but Can't stand it when I don't have some evening time to myself !

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Re: Sleep at 8 months?

Postby clothmama » Thu Aug 06, 2015 4:34 am

5.25am - really? That is not my favourite time to get up lol! He didnt' go down until just after 10pm either so there seems to be no rhyme or reason (well other than possibly teeth I guess!).

littlesez wrote:An idea but why not let him sleep more for his afternoon nap then let him go to bed later maybe 9 ish then fingers crossed you would get your evening.

The problem is that his late nap is often really late - like 5.30 or 6 which I know is just crazy and probably causing half my issues but he just can't go longer and I can't see how I can keep a sad crying baby awake for an hour to get to 7 or so :-? and when I've tried it he then won't take his dinner or have a decent :bf: because he is too tired. I did try letting him go one evening to see if he would sleep through but he just slept an hour then was up all evening! I think I need to work out how to get that nap earlier as when it is things are better.

littlesez wrote:Me personally I can cope with night wakings but Can't stand it when I don't have some evening time to myself !

I'm exactly the same, I think that is why it has been such a shock (the other 2 always went to bed at 7.30) and it is making me a bit short tempered as I'm not having any down or me time :-?

sim wrote:What ever they wanted and not much sleeping!

Seriously, both boys were having two naps at that age. The first was usually 3 hours after waking and usually 1-2 hours. The second was early afternoon and usually about an hour. Bedtime 6:30 - 7pm, numerous brief wakings for boob and or comfort overnight and up for the day between 5 and 6:30.

See that seems more like what I remember with my others too!

Dancing mum wrote:Try not to worry too much about what your sisters kids did, I'm sure you'd be saying to someone else with your concerns that every baby is different.

I know! I think I'm questioning anyway as he is so different to the others.

You know I did have more of a 'routine' (not set in stone but I tried to follow - Josh was the days of Contented Little Baby book) and while I have consciously chosen not to and to go with totally baby led this time the others were certainly more settled knowing what they were doing, I knew when I'd have down time so I was happier / calmer. I'm wondering if there is something in between :-? This having him up all evening and now being up before dawn just doesn't seem fair!!

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Re: Sleep at 8 months?

Postby littlesez » Thu Aug 06, 2015 8:19 am

Do you wanna borrow my no cry sleep solution book x

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Re: Sleep at 8 months?

Postby Dancing mum » Thu Aug 06, 2015 10:08 am

@littlesez has that booked worked well for you? I heard about it recently and was going to go to library to borrow it.

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Re: Sleep at 8 months?

Postby littlesez » Thu Aug 06, 2015 12:27 pm

Its a good read, lots of little solutions and it works long term, not a quick fix. Im not a routine person and never did a routine with izzy but used the book to get through some tough phases at age 10ish months and then again about age 3 i think.

With Leon I should have used the book from the start but i didnt and regret it now. He has now got a routine and he thrives on it


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