Moving out of the cot?

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Moving out of the cot?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 3:32 pm
by clothmama
I'm not sure what to do about Remy and his cot! He has started climbing out but as I have my big comfy armchair right next to it he goes onto that and then down so it isn't really unsafe for him to do it. I just started pondering about moving him into a bed though as there is I guess a chance he could fall or hurt himself and I'd feel awful if that happened obviously! I know Josh jumped out of his cot at 15 months and was put on a mattress / then bed and Louis was about 2.5 I think (but alway very placid and didn't get up to much mischief :giggle: ). The only problem is I'm not sure a bed will fit where he is at the moment and not too keen on getting a toddler bed :-? Also he doesn't always climb out so I'm not keen on introducing another opportunity for sleep / settling to get worse! On the positive side if he went into a bed it would make the trip back at Christmas to the UK easier! Not sure what to do!

How old were your kids when you moved them out? What would you do if you were me? He is 22 months in 2 days ( :shock: :cry: :giggle: ).

Re: Moving out of the cot?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 4:03 pm
by emmavmorgan
Tom was 17 months because he could climb out. Sam was nearly 2 because he tipped the cot over in a temper as I wasn't fast enough going to get him when he woke up :shock:
How about some sort of ready bed as a temporary solution until he goes to his own room? By the way the advantage of them being in a bed when they are terrible sleepers is at least you can get into bed with them and be warm an comfy :hohoho:

Re: Moving out of the cot?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 5:42 pm
by confusinglady
Is it a cot where you can drop the side down? That could be a temporary solution. What are your reservations about a toddler bed? Ours have stayed in them for ages before needing a big bed but then I have small kids I think. Isaac is in one now and will be for a while longer.
Non of mine climbed out. I think maybe dd2 made an attempt, dd1 would've stayed in there forever :giggle: I think we moved her into a toddler bed at 2 when we were expecting dd2 and needed the cot.
I d just got Isaac to settle on his own in the cot, awake and with me saying night night when DH and mil swapped it for the toddler bed before I could say 'what the hec are you doing!' .......I was furious! You know the journey we'd had to get there grrrr
We persevered and actually he settled better in the bed without being lowered down and caged :hohoho: in the cot bars. We could get him to settle down with a story next to him etc. It may, just may help with sleep! I think you can tuck them up a lot warmer with a bed, we have a winter duvet and then tuck a fleece round where his legs are and under the mattress on each side ( once he's gone to sleep not when he first goes) so he stays put and the covers don't get kicked off.

Re: Moving out of the cot?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 5:48 pm
by chocmuffin
All 3 of mine were about 3yrs, they all had cotbeds so no hurry for size and none of them climbed out. Could you use the cot with the side removed?

Re: Moving out of the cot?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 6:32 am
by clothmama
Most mornings he will call me and only get out if I'm too slow coming to him, this morning I didn't even hear him until he was stood by my head!!

Re: Moving out of the cot?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 10:34 am
by sim
Both E and L went into a standard single bed at 22ish months. We wanted singles as we sometime got in with them (or DH slept in their room if they invaded our bed!)
Ewan fell out 3 times, Lachlan once (both times we put the cot mattress on the floor beside the bed to cushion any falls).

Re: Moving out of the cot?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 7:27 pm
by Kim
Willow was out at around 22 months. We converted her cot to the toddler bed. She is now in a single bed at 25 months in the hope it will help her sleeping. So far it has not.

Re: Moving out of the cot?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 9:14 am
by clothmama
Thanks everyone, sounds like he is spot on the age many of you moved your LO's.

Last night at one point he was all but asleep on my big comfy feeding chair (I was on the bed) and then when I moved him he woke and again this morning climbed out so I think it is time to move him! With the other boys I had a convertible cot / toddler bed so it was easy but this time it is the toddler bed size but not convertible. I'm actually wondering if J can't make the side bars in wood so that we can convert it. I think I'll ask him if it is possible if not I think we have a single bed that is a bit smaller than normal (80cm wide maybe) so I'll measure if we can get him in there if it will fit in our room.

Re: Moving out of the cot?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 9:21 am
by clothmama
confusinglady wrote:Is it a cot where you can drop the side down? That could be a temporary solution. What are your reservations about a toddler bed?

No it is a fixed side one. I just feel like it is another expense that we dont' really need for something I'll need to replace again in 18 months or something. I did like the convertible one I had before but of course that didnt' need buying again! Kind of wish I'd hung out for one in the first place! @confusinglady

confusinglady wrote:We persevered and actually he settled better in the bed without being lowered down and caged :hohoho: in the cot bars.

I'm thinking Remy may be similar tbh, it is the lowering that often wakes him and he bashes his feet on the bars which are really noisy and I think that wakes him sometimes!

emmavmorgan wrote:How about some sort of ready bed as a temporary solution until he goes to his own room? By the way the advantage of them being in a bed when they are terrible sleepers is at least you can get into bed with them and be warm an comfy :hohoho:

That could be an option if the one I've got won't fit or we can't convert. The thought of getting in a warm bed in the coming months is a good point @emmavmorgan