
really need some help

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Re: really need some help

Postby 2climbingboys » Fri Jan 29, 2010 9:45 pm

I would only wipe her if she poos - but I would very, very regularly put a layer of lansinoh on the sore area.

Homemade wipes are good for Blake if he gets sore - using just redbush/roibos tea as the solution. Blake doesn't really get a sore bum often (touch wood) but we use this to instantly soothe chapped skin on his face (it gets so sore overnight if he has a snotty nose - even with a barrier cream being applied at bedtime).

I hope it heals soon. :hug:

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Re: really need some help

Postby Velvetsteph » Fri Jan 29, 2010 9:45 pm

Okay you need a cream to act as a barrier to stop the wee getting to it - but you clearly also need to let the air get to it...
The air is more important - so to prevent the wee staying there too long get nursery to change her every 1.5-2hrs and ONLY wipe if she's soiled.
They also need to be pretty hot off the mark if she's poo'd...

Are you using paper liners at nursery? If so stop using them for now... We couldn't use them with Isabelle at all... :?

How many days is she at nursery - obviously they can't do nappy off time in the same way as at home...

Don't wipe her when she's wee'd as wiping off the cream and wiping in general aggravates. (sorry if I'm repeating myself!)

Use either redbush tea or cammomile tea to clean her with - don't use wetwipes at all....
Keep washing nappies at 60...

Definately avoid all citrus and probably tomato too as it's quite acidic and has a knock-on effect on wee.
Also avoid kiwis as they're quite sharp too...

A GREAT way of helping heal is to soak a fleece liner in cold cammomile tea and place it in a night nappy so you're putting the wet liner against her skin - this is great moist wound healing and this was FABULOUS for Isabelle's skin when she had dreadful rashes.

Get rid of ALL microfibre in nappies just don't use it - I use bamboo instead these days...

Angel Baby Bottom Balm is the BEST nappy rash cream I have found and we swear by it and believe it is magic ;)
It's not too thick and you can pop it on at every change if needed...

Personally I'd avoid sudocream and other zinc-based nappy rash creams as that could be irritating it further...

I didn't find silver liners helped us at all really - they were thin and polyester based :?
Silk liners are supposed to be the bees knees though... (but I think you have to hand-wash them!)

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Re: really need some help

Postby Emma1977 » Fri Jan 29, 2010 9:54 pm

I was going to suggest silk liners too. I've used them in the past when Max had a rash and they work well. Babykind stock them for £2.20 each (http://www.babykind.co.uk/boostersandliners.htm#silkliners)

Hope it clears up soon hun, poor thing. :hug:

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Re: really need some help

Postby girlinleeds » Sat Jan 30, 2010 8:29 am

I'm starting to wonder if she has a urine infection, which is making things worst, she's started voiting, high temp and her wee stinks, if she's no better later going to get her checked out xx

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Re: really need some help

Postby Velvetsteph » Sat Jan 30, 2010 10:14 am

girlinleeds wrote:I'm starting to wonder if she has a urine infection, which is making things worst, she's started voiting, high temp and her wee stinks, if she's no better later going to get her checked out xx

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Eeek definately sounds like something is wrong there - let us know how you get on...

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Re: really need some help

Postby bubbaloo » Sun Jan 31, 2010 7:56 pm

I have constant battles with sore bums.
I just found that putting a small amount of bicarb in the water i wash his bum with helps to get rid of acidity on bum from acidic wee.
Need to be careful with the amount or can be drying but its much less red today.

Also metanium the very best thing.

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Re: really need some help

Postby girlinleeds » Mon Feb 01, 2010 10:32 am

well i think we're getting somewhere, it's looking a little better, been soaking her fleece liners in chamomile tea and that seems to have made a big differance. While we were at the out of hours gp last night i showed him and he was shocked that our gp hadn't given us anything, he's given us another cream to try and said if it's no better by friday we must go back to our gp and demand they give us something else to try, fingers crossed it's healing and it'll be gone soon

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Re: really need some help

Postby northernruth » Mon Feb 01, 2010 10:38 am

GLad it is getting better - we have had a cream called Vasogen for nappy rash before which has worked well for us, not sure what is in it tho. It goes on like a cream but dries to a dry finish which seemed to help with Martha. FC you find something that works

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Re: really need some help

Postby ChristinePlush » Tue Feb 02, 2010 11:19 am

Poor little thing, does sound like something in her wee could be the problem. Raw silk liners can be helpful for nappy rash. I also found the chamomile tea thing worked (where you soak a strip of muslin in the tea and put it in the nappy against the skin instead of a liner there).

I seem to remember Johnsons nappy cream worked well as both a healing agent and a barrier to wetness (worked brilliantly for dribble rash in the neck too!), it's not what I'd normally suggest but may help, I know you get to a point where you'll try anything.

If your usual GP isn't helping you, see a different one, or try the nurse, they can often prescribe things too, or talk to the health visitor, but do keep going back.

I hope she's feeling better soon.



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