
New To Cloth, Nappy Rash!

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New To Cloth, Nappy Rash!

Postby babyraccoon » Sun May 06, 2012 12:40 pm

Hi all,

I'm late in the game to cloth nappies, and just started using them with my 23-month-old. He didn't get nappy rash at all frequently with disposables, but in the 3-4 days I've been using cloth a nasty and persistent rash has appeared.

What am I doing wrong?

Daytime, I'm using Flip organic inserts in various PUL covers (mostly bought in the states, brands like Blueberry and Capri), with fleece liners to wick moisture away and flushable liners to catch the solids.

Nighttime, he's in Tots Bots Bamboozle Stretch with hemp doubler, again with a fleece liner and flushable liner, again in a PUL cover.

At each change I was using the Weleda Calendula ointment, as this is what I used with disposables and it seemed to prevent rash.

In total I'm changing him 4-5 times a day.

Should I be changing him more? Do I need more breathable covers? Should I be using a different nappy cream?

I've reverted to disposables until his rash clears but I really want to make cloth work for us! Thanks in advance for any ideas.

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Re: New To Cloth, Nappy Rash!

Postby shyler76 » Sun May 06, 2012 1:19 pm

The only time my DD got nappy rash with cloth was when I was using too much washing powder and it was building up on her nappies (this probably happened a month or so after starting to use them). I stripped the nappies (using a dishwasher tablet in the machine with them) and rinsed probably about 10 times. Sometimes cream can build up too and cause problems so stripping your nappies may be one solution. After this I always used a tablespoon measure of washing powder, did an extra rinse and never had another issue with nappy rash. Don't know if this helps but I hope you manage to work out the problem :widesmile:

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Re: New To Cloth, Nappy Rash!

Postby Dora » Sun May 06, 2012 1:30 pm

well done for making the switch!

I do change my one a lot more often than that-but now there's a rash, I'd say you'd deffo have to change more to try and get it to clear. I use sudocrem and that works fine for me but never tried the weleda one so couldn't say. Perhaps whilst your lo has a rash try more breathable nappy methods such as a fitted and wool. My lo one only gets rashed when teething but I did find that was all it took to get rid. (I also use fleece liners with paper btw)

Good luck in clearing it :) xx

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Re: New To Cloth, Nappy Rash!

Postby lazylexis » Sun May 06, 2012 1:59 pm

Using flushable liners on top of fleece means the fleece won't be stay dry I think so first I would ditch the flushable liners.With fleece u can usually easily flick solids down the loo. I would change lo at least every 2-3 hours,lots of nappy off time.

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Re: New To Cloth, Nappy Rash!

Postby CrazyDiamond » Sun May 06, 2012 3:32 pm

I'm a fan of Weleda cream too ...

- try using less washing liquid, half the amount of Ecover non bio is what i use.

If my LO does ever have a flare up ( only once so far ) it cleared up with Metanium really quickly. God knows how much chemical crap is in that but i use rarely and it's better to clear it quickly i.m.o ...

Good luck in resolving the issue.

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Re: New To Cloth, Nappy Rash!

Postby monsterm » Sun May 06, 2012 4:40 pm

Everything already mentioned will make a difference but what jumped out at me is your night time combo. First off, do you feel it is lasting well until morning? If it is soaking wet, it could be causing the nappy rash as it isn't absorbent enough for your baby. Wool at night-time (or even just fleece if you are too scared to try wool) will allow your nappy to absorb more. Also, while hemp holds alot, it is very slow to absorb. The fact that you have the hemp closest to baby could account for the rash because the wee wouldn't be pulled away from baby's skin fast enough. Do you have a bamboo booster you can put on top of it?

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Re: New To Cloth, Nappy Rash!

Postby emmab16 » Mon May 07, 2012 7:45 pm

CrazyDiamond wrote:If my LO does ever have a flare up ( only once so far ) it cleared up with Metanium really quickly. God knows how much chemical crap is in that but i use rarely and it's better to clear it quickly i.m.o ....

metanium is amazing - my gp recommended it when mine had bad nappy rash that wasn't thrush or anything in particular, and you don't need to use it for long. Definitely worth a try on top of the good advice you've got already!


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Re: New To Cloth, Nappy Rash!

Postby babyraccoon » Mon May 07, 2012 8:47 pm

Thanks all for some great ideas. One question:

monsterm wrote:Wool at night-time (or even just fleece if you are too scared to try wool) will allow your nappy to absorb more.

Does a fleece wrap keep things dry to touch on the outside? Will pee get through the fleece (I'd probably go for fleece as it's a lot cheaper than wool) and onto his jammies?

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Re: New To Cloth, Nappy Rash!

Postby KimmyM » Mon May 07, 2012 8:55 pm

Yes and no. If the nappy is boosted enough the outside should only feel cold not damp. I have to say I much prefer wool now I have gotton into it. And you can get some on the classified very cheap.
As for the jammies you can use Flongies whih are fleece trousers so you wouldn't need to put anything over the top.


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