
Teething nappy rash - HELP!!!

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Teething nappy rash - HELP!!!

Postby Janfusion » Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:27 pm

Hi ladies,

I've been using cloth now for about 3 - 4 months and find it great but my LO has started teething and has a bit of a spotty nappy rash. I used sposies for a few days with loads of sudocrem and it cleared up well. I have only put her back into cloth for 1 day and rash is coming back. :( What if any cream can I use with cloth as I prefer not to use sposies?? Also what about liners which ones are best? Oh forgot - I'm using pockets and itti's mainly BBOS and BG's.

Any advice would be great,

Jan x

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Re: Teething nappy rash - HELP!!!

Postby emmalala » Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:31 pm

i would still use loads of cream and put a liner in. i use disposable ones, i have one life liners and they are really soft and twinkle on the web do some liners that are soft too. used fleece liners once but they gave him a rash..

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Re: Teething nappy rash - HELP!!!

Postby Louise » Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:43 pm

I've always used cloth even when my LOs have a rash, I just use disposable liners. I've moved this to the nappy rash section - have a look there, there's lots of tips.

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Re: Teething nappy rash - HELP!!!

Postby Janfusion » Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:51 pm

Thanks ladies will have a look now.

I have some disp liners but I felt that they kept the moisture next to her skin. I change her 3 - 4 hourly and her nappies are generally quite wet but not soaked, would I need to be changing her more frequently?

Jan x

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Re: Teething nappy rash - HELP!!!

Postby Soupdragon » Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:59 pm

I use metanium and fleece liners. You don't need massive amounts; you should be able to see the skin through the cream. If the fleece gets clogged at all (mine have only done once), you can just handwash the liners with washing up liquid (I did that after a nappy wash, so it wasn't too yucky!). I find the cream works best if put on overnight. It seems to give it a good chance to work, rather than being put on and wiped off at the next nappy change.

I change every 3 hours, regardless of whether Iris has a rash or not.

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Re: Teething nappy rash - HELP!!!

Postby emmalala » Thu Sep 10, 2009 6:06 pm

yeah, i change aroung every 3 hours. i put cream on every night at the moment because hes teething and a liner in. i like metainium as its not greasy like sudocrem and bepantheen.

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Re: Teething nappy rash - HELP!!!

Postby cookiegirl » Thu Sep 10, 2009 6:14 pm

Soupdragon wrote:I use metanium and fleece liners. You don't need massive amounts; you should be able to see the skin through the cream. If the fleece gets clogged at all (mine have only done once), you can just handwash the liners with washing up liquid (I did that after a nappy wash, so it wasn't too yucky!). I find the cream works best if put on overnight. It seems to give it a good chance to work, rather than being put on and wiped off at the next nappy change.

I change every 3 hours, regardless of whether Iris has a rash or not.

Exactly WSS. Metanium is yuck but magic stuff and even the really red raw bits seem to clear up very quickly with it.

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Re: Teething nappy rash - HELP!!!

Postby ktinkley » Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:37 am

Metanium half works for us - it clears the rash up a bit, but leaves her with dry red skin, rather than a rash.

Last night I tried breast milk on a cotton liner. I was getting desparate, as you could see the 'metanium rash' moving down her legs, folling the nappy/teething rash! Not all better - but def much improved this morning :shock:

I really wasn't expecting it to work, but we've spent loads this month, so it was a last ditch attempt before going out to buy some of that expensive honey - the name escapes me :)

So, if you're BFing, it might be worth a try! I now have to get back into an expressing routine, as standing over the changing table squeezing is not really a fun addition to changing time :hohoho:

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Re: Teething nappy rash - HELP!!!

Postby Velvetsteph » Wed Oct 14, 2009 12:54 pm

What temperature do you wash your nappies at?
spots sound like thrush which is killed in the nappy by washing at 60...

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