
Is it nappy rash?

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Is it nappy rash?

Postby fluffycabbage » Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:55 am

Charlotte has developed very red areas on her bum n bits, which almost look like burns. Its really red and looks sore, although doesnt seem to be bothering her. Ive used sudocrem with no effect, and kamillosan makes it a bit less red but not massively. ive stopped making a solution for the reusable fleece wipes, and just use plain water now. think i might try washing the wipes in non-bio to see if that helps. the only thing which gets rid of it is a day or two in sposies :-? (its possible shes teething btw)

any similar experiences? any ideas on how to get rid of it?

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Re: Is it nappy rash?

Postby littlesez » Tue Nov 10, 2009 6:02 am

is it more on the front than the back? is it raw looking? i used metanium, yellow tube ffrom boots cleared ours up in a flash. wasnt like anything seen before so thought maube an allergic reaction to when my wipes were washed at my mums :-? others have said metanium stained so just watch for that we didnt have any stains but if you spread it really really thinly and let it dry the air can get to the rash :wink:

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Re: Is it nappy rash?

Postby jules070603 » Tue Nov 10, 2009 11:05 am

Just want to sympathise as we have sore bum and bits here too at the moment. It coincided with teething and weaning so I'm really not sure what is to blame :-?

I am trying my hardest to catch poops as soon as they happen as this is the main culprit to setting it off again (but she does secret poops :x ). I clean with washable wipes and just plain water then dry, keep nappy off for a good while and then add a thin layer of sudocrem. I tried metanium and using nothing but this seemed the best for us.

I'm considering taking her to the docs if it doesn't clear up soon if only to get a prescription for the creams.

Hope you can get something sorted, its new for me as the only time Zach had a rash was when he cut a tooth - it was a terrible burn like rash but it happened once and then healed without me doing much at all with every tooth.

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Re: Is it nappy rash?

Postby vampiredreams » Tue Nov 10, 2009 11:07 am

fluffycabbage wrote:Charlotte has developed very red areas on her bum n bits, which almost look like burns. Its really red and looks sore, although doesnt seem to be bothering her. Ive used sudocrem with no effect, and kamillosan makes it a bit less red but not massively. ive stopped making a solution for the reusable fleece wipes, and just use plain water now. think i might try washing the wipes in non-bio to see if that helps. the only thing which gets rid of it is a day or two in sposies :-? (its possible shes teething btw)

any similar experiences? any ideas on how to get rid of it?

I use raw egg whites on Aoife's bum when she gets sore...it's an old remedy my Nan suggested back when Niamh had severe rash

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Re: Is it nappy rash?

Postby Kirstyh » Tue Nov 10, 2009 10:03 pm

Gracie had this a while ago and we narrowed it down to either fleece liners or oranges so we have stopped both and it has gone.
Gracie is def more prone to rashes in cloth, she quite often has a rash at the top of her legs, it doesn't seem to bother her though, I change every couple of hours, do an extra 3 rinses and an extra spin now when washing and she also probably has about 2 hours of nappy free time a day now when possible x

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Re: Is it nappy rash?

Postby fluffycabbage » Fri Nov 13, 2009 12:13 pm

i stopped giving her satsumas to suck on (shes been having them for about 2 weeks, when we have our dinner). i ran out so didnt give her any for a couple of days, and the rash went :shock: i gave her one yesterday, so will be interesting to see what happens!

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Re: Is it nappy rash?

Postby mrsmuzi » Fri Nov 13, 2009 2:01 pm

Thanks for all these tips guys, I've just popped on and was about to post the exact same questions :)

My LO gets sore, red areas when he's in cloth nappies and I have switched him on to disposables which clears it up quick. I'm wondering if it's something to do with berries? I've stopped giving him anything with berries in and it's really helped. I didn't think about oranges, but I'll try that too. I suppose fruits are quite acidic, and it must make acid poos and wees that damage the skin.

Any tips on what cold water cleanser to use?? And any idea if certain liners are better?

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