
Ecover fabric conditioner

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Ecover fabric conditioner

Postby Juli » Wed Dec 12, 2012 10:09 am

Hi everyone,

I've found quite a few suggestions online that Ecover fabric conditioner is ok to use on cloth nappies, but they were all American, and nothing official. So I'm wondering, is it just that people think "It's Ecover and all natural and no nasties etc, so it must be ok to use"? Has anyone here tried it? I'm going to get the Ecover Zero fabric conditioner, which has no perfume in it (I've posted before about how much I dislike smelly laundry products) for our clothes, but am wondering if it's alright to use on the nappies as well.

Thanks :wave:

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Sucker for Cloth Nappies

Re: Ecover fabric conditioner

Postby aimeet » Wed Dec 12, 2012 10:55 am

I actually contacted ecover about this. The very nice lady on customer service sent me a very long email that said it is a fat based conditioner not clay so it would affect absorbancy. Hth x

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Re: Ecover fabric conditioner

Postby Juli » Wed Dec 12, 2012 10:58 am

Thanks Aimee, that's very helpful. I suspected the information I found was based on people's misunderstanding of "all natural" products and why one shouldn't use regular fabric conditioners on nappies. I guess I'll just use it on our clothes then.

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Sucker for Cloth Nappies

Re: Ecover fabric conditioner

Postby aimeet » Wed Dec 12, 2012 11:05 am

If its any help lakeland do a specific softener for towels that doesn't affect absorbancy. I didn't get it in the end as the reviews on the website were not great.

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Re: Ecover fabric conditioner

Postby flossyfly » Wed Dec 12, 2012 9:11 pm

I use the pink topped ecover with my nappies as I heard it was ok to use. So far no problems. I only use a dash though.

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