Help! Eye watering ammonia smell - tried everything!

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Help! Eye watering ammonia smell - tried everything!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 2:26 pm
by JennB

I sure hope someone out there can help. I have some pocket nappies, bum genius and fuzzi bunz in medium (not that, that matters but for some with a sewn in booster and some separate.) I used these nappies probably for a good year and a half with my son (skinny boy) before potty training. Now, I'd like to use these nappies on my daughter but every time I put them on after one pee is an eye watering ammonia smell which pretty much burns her leading to terrible nappy rash! I love these nappies but am about to give up! Here's what I've tried so far, anyone have any other ideas??
-Biological powder and a lot of rinses
-Fairy liquid and a million rinses
-Super hot washes
-Boiling water on the inserts
-Latest test was a German bile soap someone gave me rubbed on the nappies + nonbio and napisan washed at 60 or 90 (can't remember) with an extra rinse...
While better, it's not great. There is no smell when the nappies are washed and dried - just after pee (and in the nappy bucket!!) What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for any advice!!

Cheers, Jenn

Re: Help! Eye watering ammonia smell - tried everything!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 4:26 pm
by cuppachaplz
Leave them out in the rain for a day or two to strip?

Re: Help! Eye watering ammonia smell - tried everything!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 4:35 pm
by sim
A few questions-

What detergent (brands) have you used? Did any have softener or optical brighteners in them?
When you are doing rinses after washing are there any bubbles left?

Is you machine an energy efficient, low water model?
Is baby teething?

Re: Help! Eye watering ammonia smell - tried everything!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 10:23 pm
by JennB
Thanks for the replies so far. As for detergent, I'm afraid it's usually just aldi or co-op brand nonbio. I tried the bio and fairy liquid after my son had potty trained, so that was probably 2 years ago or so now before putting the nappies away. My daughter is 11 months so I was trying these nappies again. Mostly as she's a super wriggler and the bg are Velcro. As for teething, aren't they always ;-) but specifically, not at the moment, I don't think. Our washing machine is very mean with water, I add some at the beginning. And a tiny amount of bubbles but I'm never sure if it's the agitation or soap. I'm starting to wonder if perhaps I'm not using enough soap? Just 1/2 a tablet usually. Does the dishwasher tablet really work and not destroy the nappy - well, I don't have much to lose anyway? Thanks again for any advice. Cheers, Jenn

Re: Help! Eye watering ammonia smell - tried everything!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 11:18 pm
by Dancing mum
Leaving outside for a few days is great.
Have you tried doing a full wash but with no detergent rather than just rinsing?
I have recently brought a new washing powder from Fluff Heavan called Ecosprout. It's specially designed for cloth nappies and was highly recommended to me by a friend. There are instructions for stripping the nappies with it so the might be a good idea if nothing else works

Re: Help! Eye watering ammonia smell - tried everything!

PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 7:08 am
by sim
I would probably start by stripping the nappies as it sounds a lot like detergent residue (there are some threads on here with ways to do this) and rinse until there are no bubbles left. If you can, add as much extra water into the wash as possible as too little can contribute to detergent residue and also to the nappies not being properly cleaned, both of which can cause the problems you are describing.
Personally I use soda crystals to strip wash or a full dose of detergent rather than the half unusually use and rinse like
mad at the end - usually a whole wash cycle with no detergent (although I do this very rarely) and use the purple bold 2in1 to wash as it has a clay based softener in it that is safe with nappies.

Re: Help! Eye watering ammonia smell - tried everything!

PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 8:41 am
by Bugglyboo
I second leaving them in the rain for a few days. Ours were awful but after being on the line for a few days in the rain, they are back to being fresh.

Re: Help! Eye watering ammonia smell - tried everything!

PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 9:11 am
by JennB
Thanks again, everyone please keep the replies coming :-) Unfortunately, we are in a flat with no garden but I'll take them up to my partner's mom's house and see what happens. Yes, I've done a number of washes at different temperatures with no detergent. I'll get some bold 2n1 or the stuff from fluff heaven. If I used soda crystals, how much do you put in and when? I used to make soap with it and it gets extremely hot - how does it not burn the nappies? And soda crystals as in drain cleaner, right not baking soda?? Thanks again hopefully something will work! You've encouraged me that there's some hope left. Cheers, Jenn

Re: Help! Eye watering ammonia smell - tried everything!

PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 9:41 am
by LynniferT
Whats your washing routine like? Do you rinse first? I used to rinse nappies first (so rinse out the wee) then 60/40 degree wash with 1 lidl powder tab and add an extra rinse at end.

If you have mainly pockets its poss just the inserts that hold the smell so you could get some new inserts and see if that helps...then you'll know if its a washing routine problem.

Re soda crystals... The reaction you get when making soap is a chemical one isnt it? ...soda crystals on their own are fine. You find them in the washing powder section of supermarkets and have been used on clothes for years :)

I've not tried the rain thing myself but loads of people say it works...supposed to soften nappies too.