Nappies and clothes?

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Nappies and clothes?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 10:33 pm
by Akd12
Do you wash them with other clothes?
I’ve been tending to do a wash in the evenings and will cold rinse the nappies alone then for the rest of the wash put other clothes etc in with them... husband ‘caught’ me doing this today and says it’s gross... is it?
We’re not really a separate everything out family unless it’s particularly delicate, everything mostly gets shoved in together!

Re: Nappies and clothes?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 7:38 am
by 0_Lisa_0
I would never wash nappies with clothes personally, for a start there should be room in the machine for the nappies to move properly which there wouldn't be with a full load that included clothes. I mean it's probably not as gross as it could be, especially if we're talking new born BF poops (I mean if it were sleep suits that needed washing after a bit of an explosion you'd just throw them in with the regular wash I guess) but I would still always do my nappy wash separately.

Re: Nappies and clothes?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 9:39 am
by girlinleeds
My daughter is 9 now but I always washed nappies separate. Would throw the washable wipes in but not clothes xx

Re: Nappies and clothes?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 2:32 pm
by ems101
Separate and on a 60 wash especially after weaning.

Re: Nappies and clothes?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 10:12 pm
by clothmama
I always did separate washes for the nappies, I only did 60 if there was a yucky poo or newborn though and tended to do 40 more regularly. I'm not sure it is that gross really if you are rinsing before as that will get out most of the solid matter but as Lisa said it won't give the nappies the same room to move about with large clothes in the same wash.

Re: Nappies and clothes?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2018 6:33 am
by Aeseldyr
Not sure If its gross or unhygienic to wash together with other things I always wash an either 70 or 90 when its the older babies nappies ebf goes on 60, and 70 should be enough to kill any germs (think its 67 to be exact) The last of the girls nappies - towards the very end of them using nappies I washed them together with dishcloth and towels and the like just because there was not enough nappies to fill the load in 2 days time and don't like them to sit any longer than that :puke:
But now there are plenty to fill the mashine and you don't wanna have it too tight in there because then they will not get clean.