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Cloth Nappy Nutter
Cloth Nappy Nutter

Re: Hello!

Postby cuppachaplz » Mon Jan 19, 2015 11:05 am

Hi @landgirl
Congrats on your pregnancy, and welcome :D
My LO is 6w old, and I've coped for since he was born with 20 nappies, but that was mainly because he was tiny and I was using muslins and didn't want to buy more of something with such a short life... Also they dry in seconds.
I'm glad he's now big enough to use other nappies now though (still a bit bulky).
I had 25 flat nappies when I had jacob, used full time, but again they were quick drying flat nappies.
Not sure what you are planning to use, but I think life might be easier with a few more :)


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