
Hi. newbie

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Hi. newbie

Postby gill51971 » Wed Mar 14, 2012 6:30 pm

HI all
My name is gillian but prefer gill im 41 (sssshhhhh) and i have 4 children... nathan is 16, josh is 12, eva is 4 and ste jr is 18 months. Been with my hubby 12 yrs in september and married 8 years in November.. im a stay at home mum and love it as i never got the chance to do it with my eldest 2 boys.. x and im from teesside. :widesmile:

I recently decided to try reusables and i love them, however even though i have washed them per manufacturers instructions they always seem to leak and im just wondering if any of you ladies know where im going wrong, not only that im yet to find a nappy liner that does not crease and leave poo all over nappy itself. i was using mothercare disposeable nappy pads and they were great but now i cant find any and the new flip ones are a lot more expensive....

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Hi. newbie

Postby The Tree Fairy » Wed Mar 14, 2012 6:50 pm

Hi gill51971. Welcome to Cloth Nappy Tree :wave:

I hope you enjoy using the site - there are plenty of areas to explore, if you can't find something or have any questions just ask, everyone is friendly and helpful :-D

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Re: Hi. newbie

Postby KimmyM » Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:08 pm

Not sure if it's just me or even the tree fairy was being very welcoming :giggle: I use minkee liners so not much help there. What nappies are you having issues with the chances are one of the ladies here will have used them at some time they are a wealth of knowledge.

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Re: Hi. newbie

Postby gill51971 » Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:15 pm

I thought it was my comp playing tricks on me... I use some pocket ones i got from ebay, i also have some totsbots aio which are fine.. The ebay ones were a lot cheaper but the 1st time i used them overnight with just 1 insert they were fine. x :-?

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Re: Hi. newbie

Postby monsterm » Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:30 pm

Welcome Gill :wave:

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Re: Hi. newbie

Postby KimmyM » Thu Mar 15, 2012 11:11 pm

Sorry I haven't ever used either so no help I hope someone can give you better information :oops:

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Re: Hi. newbie

Postby teganplus2 » Fri Mar 16, 2012 6:05 am

Hi Gill welcome to the tree :hug:

I started off with just eBay cheepies, they're "ok" as stash fillers but def not the best out there and I don't know many people that they would last overnight with one booster for, maybe the first time was a fluke rather than anything else! I found that they did wick a lot and needed changing after 2hrs max with all three of my tiny's! (whereas I have been known to get 5 hours from my "chosen" ones) all if mine have been sold on nOw and replaced with easyfits, my new stash fillers of choice, a lot of ladies find they have to boost these too though (although I don't)

I find fleece liners work a lot better, if you are wanting to keep using disposables you could pop a fleece liner underneath to catch what they don't?

Cloth is very much a case of trial and error, I hate to think how many brands we tried until we got a stash we were happy with and that worked (my stash is now pretty much all WAHM other than my totsbots as commercial brands just didn't work for us)

Ask any questions you may have, there is always someone around who is happy to help :)


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Re: Hi. newbie

Postby jclmellor » Fri Mar 16, 2012 9:12 am

hi and welcome!
you might want to try bamboo/hemp boosters if your nappies are leaking - i wonder if they are leaking because the inserts provided are not absorbent enough? the other option is to use wool longies which 'catch' odd leaks (see more info on the site).
in terms of the liners, we've never got on with the flushable liners - we had the same problem as you - and love the fleece/minky liners. we've saved loads of money using these and they come in lush colours lol!
good luck xxx

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