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Postby JoJoRD » Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:54 pm

Hello. This is my first ever forum! have used cloth nappies with both babies (age 3 and 1). The main nappy being pop ins. Am just after some advice as some of them are getting a bit worn out now and am looking to buy some new ones. I prefer all in ones, one size, velcro fastening and unlike my bamboo pop ins could do with being quick drying! (they will be line/airer dried). Have been looking at tots bots but I remember I bought one for my eldest and found the outer shell was quite plasticky ad left nasty marks on her little legs. Also looking at pop-ins new minky nappies but wondering whether they will be absorbent enough? could def do with something trim as my youngest is a bit of a chunky monkey!!!! Thanks for your help.

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Cloth Nappy Prophet
Cloth Nappy Prophet

Re: New!

Postby JabberJabber » Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:09 pm

Hello and welcome to the tree. :cnthug:

I know that tots bots have been doing some redesign and relaunch of some of their nappies, so it might be worth testing one out to see what you think.

It's hard isn't it, when you have to replace your faithful (but eventually worn out) nappies.

We have a classifieds section here where you can pick up some preloved nappies to help you make your decision, and if you post in the section on nappies, I'm sure people will come along and tell you what they do and don't like.

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