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New to forum (established cloth addict)

Postby ClothBumBubba » Sun May 20, 2012 8:41 pm

Hello all!
I'm a FTM with a nearly five month old baby who doesn't sleep at night. (Why is there no 'knackered' emoticon?!)
My little man started life as a 5lb 14oz tiny little tiddler, but has grown into super chub, Sumo Baby extraordinaire, all on Mummy Milk. I don't have him weighed but he must be somewhere between 18 and 20 lb at 20 weeks, and he has been cloth bummed since birth. (So we have a lot of experience with nappies from teeny newborn to chubby heavy-wetter!)
He's going through the dreaded sleep regression, so I have far too much time to spend on the internet, and if I'm not careful, I spend ALL my money on nappies!
I was already a cloth addict before he even arrived. Cloth was supposed to be a money saving exercise, but the other day I counted and realised to my shock and horror that my (then four month old) baby had over 90 nappies! (Although, in my defense, that included some too small and some too big).
I've since tried to have a ruthless de-stash, and am attempting to sell anything that we have outgrown, doesn't work for us, or we simply don't reach for first. That included most AIOs as we find two-parters way more reliable. So I am trying to avoid the temptation of pretty AIOs and stick to my reliable two-part nappies (and maybe buy some more stunning wraps... uh oh!).
I've just bought a sewing maching (I used to be fairly handy with one, but it's been a while) and am importing some beautiful fabrics from abroad. I'm about to start creating my own stash, instead of buying nappies (if I can resist), but it will take me a while to remember my skills!

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Re: New to forum (established cloth addict)

Postby simlou » Sun May 20, 2012 9:16 pm

Welcome to the tree! You're going to fit right in, all of us are addicted to cloth and its not a large leap for the fabric and wool addiction to kick in either, so you'll find a lot of talented crafters on here too.

Looking forward to chatting with you :hug:

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Re: New to forum (established cloth addict)

Postby Scotia » Mon May 21, 2012 6:44 am

Hello and welcome to the tree :wave:

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Re: New to forum (established cloth addict)

Postby lazylexis » Mon May 21, 2012 6:58 am

Hello and welcome!

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Re: New to forum (established cloth addict)

Postby jclmellor » Mon May 21, 2012 7:54 am

hi mama and welcome! i used to sew but haven't got a machine... thought about making my own wipes as i would have saved a fortune (we have sooo many for 2 kiddoes in cloth!) but i think the machine would have clogged up the little space we have in the house and hubby would have got mad lol! what are you thinking of making? xxx

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Re: New to forum (established cloth addict)

Postby Kirstyh » Mon May 21, 2012 8:22 am

:wave: hi and welcome

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Re: New to forum (established cloth addict)

Postby teganplus2 » Mon May 21, 2012 8:31 am

:wave: Hola and welcome to the tree! Look forward to chatting more and seeing what you decide to make ;)

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Re: New to forum (established cloth addict)

Postby ClothBumBubba » Mon May 21, 2012 8:59 am

Ah, thanks ladies!
Well, I've already made some triple layer bamboo, zorb and fleece boosters (with the fleece as a stay-dry layer so they don't need liners).
Next on the list I need to make a replacement wet-bag as the zip has gone on one of mine.
Once I've had a bit of practice I'm going to attempt a Flip wrap from my PUL fabric, as that looks manageable. I also want to do some dribble bibs etc, but I'll have to work up gradually!
Off to the market today to buy some zips and elastic so I have everything I need, in theory.
Nice to meet you all. Will update my progress if I'm successful making these things!

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Re: New to forum (established cloth addict)

Postby monsterm » Mon May 21, 2012 9:01 am

Hi & welcome to the tree :cnthug:

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