hello everyone i'm beth and i'm 12 days into my fluff addiction!
i have a 5 week old and a 4 year old. when my 4 year old was born i wanted to try cloth but there was 7 of us to the washing machine and my parents basically said no way man! this time i said to myself i would try cloth if i could get some for free, and an amazing breastfeeding peer counsellor friend gave me her newborn/small stash that her fifthg bubba has grown out of, so i'm doing it!
before the cloth i got a cheeky wipes set and my dh teased me all day long about spending so much on tiny flannels, but at a 2pm nappy change when he wase too tired to go get a bowl of warm water for the cotton wool balls he tried them and was hooked on their convenience! yay! so as apprehensive as he was at using cloth (NO WAY at start of pregnancy, YOU CANT USE SECOND HAND NAPPIES mid pregnancy and YOU USE THEM ILL USE DISPOSABLES near the birth) he soon got his head around them with a lot of encouragement and although i didn't ask him to stop using disposables he's going the whole cloth way! last night he even prepared the stack for the night, putting the fleece liners into the tots bots and getting the fleece wraps ready! ! !
when i first started using cloth my bubba got awful nappy rash as i wasnt drying her fully before putting a new nappy on. not such a problem with disposables apparently! so we went back to disposables until it healed up (felt so guilty!) but i was missing the cloth so much after a 48 hour abstinence (disposable nappy changes just arent as exciting and are way more gross!) that i went back to the cloth armed with a hair dryer and no cream and she's been great ever since
yeah so...hi there!
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