Hi and a big welcome to the Tree
glad you found us!
Akd12 wrote:I’ve been dithering for ages and ummming and ahhhing about it, so decided to take the plunge
Good on you for taking the plunge - I'm sure you wont' regret it - even if it can take a while to bring hubby and others around
The only thing I ever regretted was not trying them on my first born (not that there were that many cool nappies around 17 years ago!).
Akd12 wrote:have bought a mixture of different types of nappy - both pocket and AIO - have stuck to one size nappies as I have an 18m boy and 4.5m girl so I’m hoping they can share? Is this bonkers?
Sounds like you have made a great start to your collection, I always advise people to try out different styles rather than trying to buy a big set of one type. I see no reason at all that you shouldnt' be able to use OS nappies on both - not bonkers at all! Large toddlers (over say 2.5) and very small babies can have fit issues with OSize but your 2 should be fine. They'll be different shapes and you will perhaps find one style fits / suits one of them better than the other. I'd say 28 is fine to start, will let you try it out and you may decide to get more of some or even try different ones once you've used them for a little while. You'll also be able to work out what washing / drying suits you so you can work out how many you'd like and add to your collection as you need to (or eventually if you get a bit mad like some of us want to
Akd12 wrote:Husband thinks I’ve lost my mind
you haven't
- thye usually comoe around