
Hello from Wales!

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Hello from Wales!

Postby wogglesmum » Fri Jul 30, 2010 6:21 pm

Hey everyone...I'm just about to make the switch to cloth, my son is 6 1/2 months old, (he's our first) and I've been researching cloth nappies like mad lately! (seriously, I'm like a crazy person...it's all I talk about!)

Anyhoo, I live in a small 2 bed bungalow with my husband (Lance) of 1 year, and my son (Olli). We have 2 geckos and that's it for pets...I really want to get some rabbits sometime soon though! I am 23 and so is my husband...although I'm slightl older and will be 24 in September! We plan to have more children in the near future, and want a small gap between them (about 2 years) And I kinda want a girly next...but I'm not bothered really, as long as it's healthy!

I have a few hobbies, which mainly include photography sewing and horses!! since moving out of my mums (where the sewing machine lives) I haven't been able to do sewing for ages! And now have a pile of patterns that I want to sew! I own my own business (along with two other guys) and we are photographers...photographing in and out of a studio setting!

I breastfeed, co-sleep and babywear!

If there is anything else you want to know, just ask me!!

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Cloth Nappy Passionata

Re: Hello from Wales!

Postby Emma1977 » Fri Jul 30, 2010 7:32 pm

:idea: and welcome to the Tree :cnthug: You're in good company as you can chat away about cloth nappies on here as much as you like :wink: There is also a whole bunch of sewing enthusiasts :sewing: :knit: :crochet: :sew: and a few who Image

Look forward to chatting more with you :D

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Re: Hello from Wales!

Postby Woozle35 » Fri Jul 30, 2010 7:38 pm

:idea: and welcome. :cnthug:

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Re: Hello from Wales!

Postby becky » Fri Jul 30, 2010 7:45 pm

Hi and welcome!

WHere in Wales are you? I'm in Cardiff and have a 6.5month old too!

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g murphy
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Re: Hello from Wales!

Postby g murphy » Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:24 pm

:idea: :idea: and welcome. x

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Re: Hello from Wales!

Postby wogglesmum » Sat Jul 31, 2010 5:29 pm

Awh Hi everyone! I'm down in Pembrokeshire, quite a way from Cardiff! Awesome to see there are loads of people who sew on here, I think I'll be lingering around them a lot!


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Cloth Nappy Passionata
Cloth Nappy Passionata

Re: Hello from Wales!

Postby Emma1977 » Sat Jul 31, 2010 6:38 pm

wogglesmum wrote: I think I'll be lingering around them a lot!
Makes you sound like a bad smell :giggle: :giggle:

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Re: Hello from Wales!

Postby angelsquidge » Sat Jul 31, 2010 8:02 pm

:cnthug: Croeso!

What part of Pembrokeshire are you from? I'm in Swansea.....welcome to the tree!

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Cloth Nappy Prophet
Cloth Nappy Prophet

Re: Hello from Wales!

Postby JabberJabber » Sat Jul 31, 2010 8:50 pm

Hello, welcome to the tree. You have quite a lot in common with people here...


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