
Hello from Warrington way :)

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Hello from Warrington way :)

Postby DitaVonCheese » Fri Jul 30, 2010 8:21 pm

Hello! I have been selling and mainly buying :oops: on the classifieds section for the past month or so - found this place when I was having a destash and since then my stash has probably doubled in size :oops: :oops: :oops:

Currently living in Warrington but in the process of renovating a knackered house over near Frodsham with an eye to moving in the next few weeks (kitchen? who needs a kitchen?!).

I organised the Warrington breastfeeding picnic a couple of weeks ago and think a couple of CNTers might have been there so maybe I've met some of you already ... either way, there were a lot of very nice cloth bums on display at the picnic and I was a bit sad that DD wasn't wearing something prettier to show off!

Oh yes, have a 22 month old (how the hell did that happen?!) DD who we're currently nightweaning in the hopes of conceiving the ever elusive #2 :-?


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Re: Hello from Warrington way :)

Postby Emma1977 » Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:01 pm

:idea: and welcome to the Tree. Hope you get a :bfp: soon for number 2 :D

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Re: Hello from Warrington way :)

Postby choccylisa » Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:05 pm

:idea: Good to see you on here :D A kitchen? Don't you know that's what takeaways are for? :hohoho: My dh thought we didn't need a bathroom before we moved :roll: :shock:

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g murphy
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Re: Hello from Warrington way :)

Postby g murphy » Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:08 pm

hey and welcome!

i am gemma mummy to Harry who is 22 months and we are trying for number 2. xx

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Re: Hello from Warrington way :)

Postby DitaVonCheese » Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:01 pm

Thanks for the welcome and the baby vibes :D

Bathroom definitely comes first here :giggle:

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Re: Hello from Warrington way :)

Postby 50ftQueenie » Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:03 pm

Hello! I am sure I know your name from somewhere else..... Let me test a theory.... :hug: :hug: Hi hun... Are you still there? :giggle: :giggle:

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Re: Hello from Warrington way :)

Postby e586 » Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:17 pm

:idea: :idea: hello lovely!!! :)

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Re: Hello from Warrington way :)

Postby DitaVonCheese » Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:22 pm

:giggle: Someone draw me a Venn diagram of the internets! :idea: MNers and MTWers :D

(I am slightly scared how many people have recognised me from MN - clearly I am less of a lurker than I thought! :oops:)

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Cloth Nappy Aficionado

Re: Hello from Warrington way :)

Postby choccylisa » Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:25 pm

DitaVonCheese wrote::giggle: Someone draw me a Venn diagram of the internets! :idea: MNers and MTWers :D

(I am slightly scared how many people have recognised me from MN - clearly I am less of a lurker than I thought! :oops:)

MN and MTW?


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