
Hi.I'm Elaine!

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Hi.I'm Elaine!

Postby magicmoo » Sun Aug 15, 2010 3:04 pm

Hello all,

I'm Elaine from Warrington.

I'm not strictly a cloth nappy user. A friend of mine just had twins and I have offered to make some cloth nappies for her. I currently make washable sanitary towels just for myself, daughters and friends, I also plan to make some reusable sanpro for a charity which sends disposables to girls in need in Africa. I am currently trying to convince them that disposables are not a good idea when you have nowhere to throw them, never mind them being a non-sustainable source.

Anyhoo, in the process of researching materials for said nappies (namely PUL-arghhhh! Why oh why is that so expensive?), I found this site.

I hope you will welcome me into the fold anyway!

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Re: Hi.I'm Elaine!

Postby Kirstyh » Sun Aug 15, 2010 4:44 pm

:idea: Hi and welcome x

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Re: Hi.I'm Elaine!

Postby Soozi » Sun Aug 15, 2010 5:39 pm

hi and welcome :-)

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g murphy
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Re: Hi.I'm Elaine!

Postby g murphy » Sun Aug 15, 2010 5:59 pm

:idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: and welcome to the tree. xxx

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Re: Hi.I'm Elaine!

Postby magicmoo » Sun Aug 15, 2010 6:43 pm

Hi and thanks for the welcome!

I didn't even know about modern cloth nappies when my children were babies, they are 14 and 11 now. I soooo wish I had though-they are so exciting.

Whoops I can feel another obsession coming on...*adds to list of re-usable sanpro, composting, make do and mend. sigh*

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Re: Hi.I'm Elaine!

Postby Emma1977 » Sun Aug 15, 2010 9:15 pm

:idea: :idea: :idea:

magicmoo wrote:Whoops I can feel another obsession coming on...*adds to list of re-usable sanpro, composting, make do and mend. sigh*

Wait till you see the yummy woollies you can buy :wink:

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Re: Hi.I'm Elaine!

Postby laceybat » Mon Aug 16, 2010 5:09 am

:idea: :idea: :idea:

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