
Hey another newbie from manchester :)

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Hey another newbie from manchester :)

Postby emmakins07 » Wed Aug 25, 2010 10:02 am

hey all..
im emma from eccles machester...not far from trafford centre!! :)
im mummy to madison..6 yrs and lucas..8months..
want to have a go at cloth nappies but not sure where to start, so thought id say HELLO, and any help with how to get started would be greatful

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g murphy
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Re: Hey another newbie from manchester :)

Postby g murphy » Wed Aug 25, 2010 10:16 am

:idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: and welcome hunnie. xx

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Re: Hey another newbie from manchester :)

Postby indigosky2k » Wed Aug 25, 2010 10:17 am

:idea: Hi there Emma and welcome to the tree :D

Eccles is my side of Manchester, not that I live that close to there any more I'm much nearer the city centre now, but I grew up in Irlam and lived near Salford centre for a few years, so know much more of that side of Manchester than the South where most of the members on here seem to come from :wink:

Hope you get to learn a bit more about cloth, I'm sure you'll be an addict before long :twisted: :giggle:

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Re: Hey another newbie from manchester :)

Postby monsterm » Wed Aug 25, 2010 10:25 am

Hi Emma :idea:

welcome to the tree :cnthug: I have a Madison who is 6 in a couple of weeks & Amelie has just turned 1. My advice to you would be to just read as much as you can on this site about the different nappies & ask any q's you have along the way.

Do you know if you would prefer to use pockets or fitteds?

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Re: Hey another newbie from manchester :)

Postby emmakins07 » Wed Aug 25, 2010 10:41 am


Do you know if you would prefer to use pockets or fitteds?[/quote]

to be honest.. i dont really know the difference...
with just starting out i think which ever is the easiest to use? as having a wriggly 8mth old is bad enough :)

hello to everyone and thanks for the warm welcome! :)

indigosky2k... im orginaly from sunny salford!! :)

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Re: Hey another newbie from manchester :)

Postby Freyarose » Wed Aug 25, 2010 10:50 am

Hello em xx im from manchester too ( well originally nottingham) im across towards wigan side about 15mins from trafford

have u got your incentive for the cloth nappies yet ?? thats what got me interested and now im addicted!!

welcome to the tree im new but already addicted xx


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Re: Hey another newbie from manchester :)

Postby mrssproggit » Wed Aug 25, 2010 10:51 am

Hi Emma :idea: and welcome to the tree :cnthug:

We're near your way - we're in Urmston, so not far from the tc either! We've found the easiest nappies to use are pockets or (my dh's favourite) are itti bittis.

Have you heard of the Manchester nappucinos? Shame you didn't post a couple of days ago, as there was one on yesterday at the tc! It's a good place to go to see a few egs of different nappies, have a feel, ask any and all questions you want (none are too silly!) and even buy some if you wanted to! They normally happen on the last Tues of each month, so not for a few weeks yet, but Sarah (who runs them) will happily come over to you to give you a demo and answer any questions for you too I'm sure! Here's a link to the website:


Hope that helps a little! And sorry for the LONG reply!! :oops:

Andrea x

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Re: Hey another newbie from manchester :)

Postby monsterm » Wed Aug 25, 2010 10:54 am

Pockets are exactly that. The outer of the nappy is the waterproof layer & you need to stuff the pocket with inserts (the absorbant bit).

A fitted is a nappy that require a waterproof layer, such as a pul wrap or wool, put on over it.

What works for your baby really depends on how heavy a wetter your baby is. It's hard to guage that in a sposie nappy. A lot of people would use pockets such as bumgenius or fuzzi bunz but if you have a heavy wetter, these just won't last on him. Fitted nappies are definately more reliable, with bamboo or organic bamboo velour being the best absorbant nappies.

Have a look on classifeds & buy a couple of different types of nappies you like the look of (you can always look up the review section to see what people say about them). Just don't buy a lot of the same one, try a few different types out to see what you like. You'll find alot of us have one or two of alot of different brands of nappies because baby's wetting abilities & body shape changes alot as they grow & what works today, might not work tomorrow.

What weight is your little guy?

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Re: Hey another newbie from manchester :)

Postby Annette » Wed Aug 25, 2010 12:04 pm

:idea: Hi and welcome. I am in Stockport and work in Chorley, although I am originally a Kentish Lass :D There are loads of us from around your neck of the woods, check out the events and nappucinos for some real life touchy feely advice :wink:


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