
New and confused for more than the usual reasons :)

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Re: New and confused for more than the usual reasons :)

Postby ameliepoulin » Wed Dec 22, 2010 7:16 pm

zoeyboo wrote:
ameliepoulin wrote:Many thanks, zoeyboo, I am learning so much already. One more question, in terms of investement, would you advise me to go for the BTP (using my first acronym, so proud of myself :giggle: ) from the very beginning, are they efficient enough against leaks? Basically, this is my greatest dilemma right now, so that I can narrow my search a bit.

Many thanks,

You are welcome :hug:

My LO had very very skinny legs to begin with & quite a small waist (despite being big - he was just long) so I didn't find that BTP fit him well to begin with ... I had a few different ones ready as I saw it that if they didn't fit straight away then they would at some point & could keep trying them on him as he grew.

I would suggest getting a good mixture to start with, some BTP All in Ones like Easyfits/BumGenius etc and some sized fitteds (2 parters), don't go mad with newborn sized as they'll grow out of them quickly especially if you you have a larger baby. Some of the non-newborn sized ones will seem big & bulky to begin with, especially a BTP but this really is only a temporary thing. Sz1 Bamboo Little Lambs are good, as are the old style Tots Bamboozles ... you can get them in applix (velcro type) fastening or with no fastening where you then use a Nippa (modern replacement for Nappy Pin) which are great & make the nappy very adjustable for a newborn.

For wraps I would recommend the Thirsties Duo Wrap as it's very adjustable so should last you a while, they also have gussets on the leg openings so again good for newborn poo. You can get away with some relatively cheap fitteds to begin with as they won't be on long enough for absorbancy to be an issue... I would steer clear of anything that is all microfibre though as the wee seems to just squeeze back out of them and as you don't have to worry about drying time there would be no benefit to you to having any. Bamboo is probably the best to go for.

You could always post a wanted on the classified & list which you fancy trying, :D

Oh, zoeboo, I am taking notes :oops: , such a nappy jungle out there that I risk getting lost at any given time. I'll be back (oh, wih more, questions, how else?) as soos as I do my homework. A zillion thanks for your precious pieces of advice.


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Re: New and confused for more than the usual reasons :)

Postby fivefourfour » Wed Dec 22, 2010 10:26 pm


Just wanted to add my two'pence worth. I would agree that a two part system works best on a newborn. The Stretchy bamboozle is the best, in my opinion. It does most babies overnight (with a booster or two) for a decent amount of time. Don't forget though that it will be a while before he starts sleeping through the night, so you will get a while to see how the perform (and the more you use and wash them, the more absorbant they are). I think I had about 20 nappies and about 8 wraps. That lasted us doing a wash every other day.

After about 7 months I invested in a few all in ones and all in twos to trial (from the classifieds!) and found the brand that worked best for us. Moo has always been long and skinny so the Wee Notions AI2 with a high rise were best for us. We used them when out and about, and used the fitted two-parts at home. Then as she got more active and nappy changes got more, shall we say, energetic? we made the move to AI2's permenently. We mainly use WNs, some ebay cheapie pockets and the brilliant TB easyfits. They are pretty much BTP (as are the S2 stretchy bamboos) but TB do a smaller version.

That's where we are now, although a few months ago I invested in some fabby wool night nappies (as she is a heavy wetter and I hated using disposables at night) which we use with fleece soakers.

Hope I haven't confused you more than before! If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask!

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Re: New and confused for more than the usual reasons :)

Postby ameliepoulin » Fri Dec 24, 2010 5:28 pm

Dear Lucie,

I do have one question, now that I have a cleared idea of the picture. Can you please give me an estimate cost of your nappy adventure, if you remember how much you paid for them at various given times. I am asking you this because I am on a tight budget and cannot afford to go wild the nappy business, despite the tempting models and designs out there.

Thank you,

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Re: New and confused for more than the usual reasons :)

Postby clarkey1000 » Sun Dec 26, 2010 5:12 am

Depending on whereabouts in Cyprus you are I have lots of different types of nappies here so you could come & have a look at them all - much better to see them in the flesh!! (and lots for sale too!!) :D

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Re: New and confused for more than the usual reasons :)

Postby clothmama » Thu Dec 30, 2010 2:25 am

Welcome to the site - that would be fab to be able to go and see what Clarkey1000 has if you are near enough to her - I was lucky to have an ex Nappy Lady advisor down the road from me so was able to actually see and it all made so much more sense!

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Re: New and confused for more than the usual reasons :)

Postby ameliepoulin » Thu Dec 30, 2010 6:09 am

clothmama wrote:Welcome to the site - that would be fab to be able to go and see what Clarkey1000 has if you are near enough to her - I was lucky to have an ex Nappy Lady advisor down the road from me so was able to actually see and it all made so much more sense!

I am proud to report that I've met the lovely lady :wave: . (still checking out the nappies I bought from her :hohoho: ). I am very grateful she that could come and meet me, I now have a clearer picture on what different types of nappies look like.


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