
Hopeful first time cloth user

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Re: Hopeful first time cloth user

Postby rebelecca » Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:12 am

emmalala wrote:I wouldn't like to handwash dans nappies to be honset :puke: :lol: but I suppose you could
I liked the prefold but didn't get on with the wraps. I came on here to find new wraps and then ended up buying loads of other things as well!

Oh no, I can see that's what's going to happen to me too- the same thing happened with babywearing- once I'd bought one sling that was it, I was hooked.

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Re: Hopeful first time cloth user

Postby laceybat » Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:18 am

why are you hand washing for? i started to hand wash but then thought worse has gone through the machine as DP worked with fish so we had Fish guts and other stuff going through it so i wash them in the machine and its so much easyer too.

i did the same and i babywear all the time now too and ryan 21months

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g murphy
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Re: Hopeful first time cloth user

Postby g murphy » Sun Feb 13, 2011 11:31 pm

:wave: :wave: :wave:

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Re: Hopeful first time cloth user

Postby rebelecca » Mon Feb 14, 2011 8:29 pm

I'm handwashing because I am a lunatic! Erm, no, well, kind of... I live with my parents and they're not keen on the idea of poopy nappies being put in the machine with their washing, and also not keen on the idea of the washing machine being put on specially for B's nappies... so my choices are either get my highly unreliable and lazy boyfriend to take them to his house to wash them, or handwash them... So at the end of my 3rd day of cloth I have handwashed all the nappies. It's working for us so far, I think!

I've also ordered some pocket nappies to try, from eBay... I wonder if this is going to turn slowly into a fascination of mine? Hehe :D

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Re: Hopeful first time cloth user

Postby rachymoo » Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:50 pm

Bambino Mios don't tend to get a very good rep on here, I know a few people have got on with them fine though.

LOL, I would just say to your parents that most of the poo gets flushed down the toilet anyway, so it's no worse than washing, erm, 'dirty' knickers - PMSL.

You can have a look at some other folds in the 'Terries, Flats and Prefolds' section on here, I have found that really helpful recently. I only use pockets, AIOs and fitteds on my daughter but decided to buy some terries to bulk out my newborn stash for baby #2. So I have spent time over the past few days practicing folding and putting them on my daughter's teddy bear - it's driving my DP mad :hohoho: I am liking the 'Jo fold' so far!

Good on you for making the switch to cloth. I didn't 'discover' it until my daughter was a few months old, but I'm so glad I did. I am planning on using cloth on baby #2 (due this month) from as early as possible, hopefully straight away.

Don't be afraid to ask any questions, everyone is so helpful on here! The classifieds on here are a good bet for trying out different types on nappies to see what works. And then soon you will discover pretty nappies, and then *gasp* customs :shock: and it's just a downward spiral from there :giggle:

Rach xx

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Re: Hopeful first time cloth user

Postby flutterby » Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:33 pm

Could you not go to your BFs and wash them there ?

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Re: Hopeful first time cloth user

Postby rebelecca » Sat Feb 26, 2011 9:42 pm

Quick update: I handwashed for a couple of weeks and I am now being a cheat and washing them in the machine along with my LO's other whites ( sheets/ muslins/ towels/ vests etc).

And I am now addicted... I've already branched out into pocket nappies and I am loving the world of cloth. I love everything from the way they look on the line to the gasps of delight from my friends when I change Brianna's nappy and they see her gorgeous patterned bahooky :giggle:

It's maybe early days to make such a bold statement, but the BMs are working out OK for me when I use them and at the reduced price I paid for them were a great introduction to cloth- they have given me the confidence to start with cloth so I will always be grateful to them! :mrgreen:


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