
Hi All i'm interested in learning about wool

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Hi All i'm interested in learning about wool

Postby mafinke » Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:14 pm

Hi my name is Sola :wave:
i have a DD 2008 who i used MEOS from 6weeks ish till potty trained at 19months, then used tots bots bright training pants.
i now have DS 2010 who is quite different to DD in the nappy stakes so i'm trying out pockets and am very interested in wool as he seems to soak everything at night!!!! He is also very slim and long. I would love to hear all about using wool please.
I spend a lot of my time :bf: as my son loves Mummy milk so i'll always be surfing :coffee: late at night

Thanks so much
sola :bf:

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Re: Hi All i'm interested in learning about wool

Postby fivefourfour » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:08 pm


I'm afraid I don't use wool, but I can recommend wool interlock for heavy wetters. And I think that most people find fitteds work better at night than pockets.

I hope you find something that works soon.

Oh, and welcome to the tree!

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Re: Hi All i'm interested in learning about wool

Postby monsterm » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:50 pm

Hi Sola & welcome to the tree.

What nappies are you using at night? What are you boosting with? Wool will definately help as it allows some of the moisture to evaporate so the nappy holds more.

Soakers/longies need to be knitted with at least 80% wool. Aran/worsted weight is the better weight to use. The soaker/longies then need to be lanolised to make a water proof layer. The soaker can be used for quite a while (at least 2 wks) between washes.

Interlock (wool fabric) is another option. Again it needs to be lanolised. I find it more bulky as a soaker though.

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Re: Hi All i'm interested in learning about wool

Postby g murphy » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:24 pm

:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:

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Re: Hi All i'm interested in learning about wool

Postby Emma1977 » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:42 pm

Fitteds and wool work best for night time use :D You can find some great woolly buys on the Classifieds section or try one of our fab wooly WAHMs if you want to buy new: Pixieknits, Soaring Sheep, Droopy Drawers, KnitterArty to name a few :D

You'll need to take some measurements from your LO: leg inseam, hips and rise (to get this put your lo in the bulkiest fitted you have and then you need to measure from the top of the front of the nappy right round to the top of the back of the nappy).

Wool is really easy to look after. You will need to soak it in lanolin to make it waterproof and you can use either solid lanolin or liquid and it comes in some yummy scents too :wink:

It will be the start of a new addiction too :giggle:

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Re: Hi All i'm interested in learning about wool

Postby CherryPie » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:46 pm

We use wool on our heavy wetter at night and it's fantastic! And so easy to look after. It's also inspired me to knit! Have fun learning about it and picking out woolies :knit: :hug:

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Re: Hi All i'm interested in learning about wool

Postby knees_on » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:10 pm

:wave: :D
Welcome to the tree :D

We love wool, even with not so boosted nappies the wool just doesn't soak through!! :D Honestly does get addictive though!!

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Re: Hi All i'm interested in learning about wool

Postby mafinke » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:53 am

Thank you all so much for the lovely welcome and the information. :hug:
at night we currently use a wonderoo hip hip baby stuffed with 1 long microfibre insert and 2 bamboo inserts. my beloved wets through that by 2 or 3am and i change him into another like that. we co sleep so often i also have peepee on me! i've occassionally had to change!!!!
I really dont want to do that anymore!!!
What should i be doing?
i can :knit: scarves but thats as far as it goes!
i cant :sewing: or :crochet: :giggle:

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Re: Hi All i'm interested in learning about wool

Postby emmalala » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:20 am

Hi and welcome to the tree! :cnthug: we use wool most of the time and love it. Its really good for super wetters


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